BEST and WORST of the UCs

<p>** UC Berkeley **
Best Things

  1. Huge, diverse, and intellectually-driven student body
  2. World-renowned and inspiring faculty
  3. Large and abundant academic and athletic facilities
  4. Proximity to San Francisco’s cultures and communities
  5. Natural amenities (marinas, parks, trails, ocean, etc. )
  6. DECAL program to start your own class
  7. Academic prestige in professional circles
  8. Cal Football games
  9. Thought-provoking and world-famous speakers
  10. Berkeley’s energy</p>

<p>Worst Things

  1. Quality and price of off-campus housing
  2. High academic pressure
  3. Homeless population around campus
  4. An overly accepted drug culture
  5. Rainy weather in the winter
  6. Lack of local hot spots as opposed to San Francisco
  7. A college-town feel that can, at times, feel suffocating
  8. Lack of parking and the non-car-friendly UC policies
  9. The work-related pretentiousness of some students
  10. Bureaucratic/administrative red-tap</p>

<p>** UCLA **
Best Things

  1. Awesome food in dining halls and off campus
  2. Location in LA and its close proximity to beaches
  3. 60-degree winters
  4. Movie premieres in Westwood and seeing actors on campus
  5. Making friends from diverse backgrounds
  6. Quarter system
  7. Midnight food runs at the dorms
  8. Architecture on campus
  9. Great basketball team
  10. UCLA’s prestige</p>

<p>Worst Things

  1. No parking!
  2. Traffic
  3. Smog
  4. Stupid school politics
  5. Student body size
  6. High-priced Westwood apartments
  7. Need a car to go out at night
  8. High curves from smart people
  9. Rundown dorms
  10. Classes fill up so fast</p>

<p>** UC San Diego **
Best Things

  1. The beach
  2. The Sun God Festival
  3. Lots of diverse and intelligent people
  4. The Eucalyptus forest and talking trees
  5. Proximity to Mexico
  6. Located in a very safe and beautiful area
  7. Concerts in Price Center
  8. The Stuart Art Collection
  9. Coed inner tube water polo
  10. The sunshine</p>

<p>Worst Things

  1. Too much studying
  2. Having midterms and finals three times a year because of the quarter system
  3. Parking
  4. Overcrowded
  5. Not located in a college town
  6. Constant construction
  7. Rising tuition costs
  8. June gloom
  9. Lack of Greek life
  10. Difficult general education classes</p>

<p>** UC Davis **
Best Things

  1. The people
  2. The campus
  3. Downtown
  4. School spirit, Picnic Day, and the Whole Earth Festival
  5. The educational opportunities
  6. Diversity
  7. The Mondavi Center
  8. The T-1 connection in the dorms
  9. Farmers market
  10. The Internship and Career Center</p>

<p>Worst Things

  1. Parking
  2. Dealing with administration
  3. Off-campus housing prices
  4. Late charges on registration fees
  5. Open container law
  6. Instructors with thick accents
  7. No convenience stores
  8. 7:30 a.m. lectures
  9. Lack of entertainment
  10. Cows</p>

<p>** UC Santa Barbara **
Best Things

  1. The laid-back beach atmosphere.
  2. Lots of opportunities to get involved in different things.
  3. There are concerts at the Santa Barbara Bowl, the Hub on campus, and all of the student bands performing for free in Isla Vista on the weekends.
  4. There are lots of good food options.
  5. You can ride your bike literally anywhere.
  6. The weather: you can almost always go outside and play.
  7. You never have homework over winter or spring break, because the quarter ends right before both.
  8. The friendly, knowledgeable faculty.
  9. Good-looking people that wear swimsuits and tank tops year-round . . . sometimes you feel like you are living at a resort.
  10. It’s the genuine college experience that most people want and expect.</p>

<p>Worst Things

  1. There is no football team.
  2. The administrative staff is really impersonal - nobody really makes an effort to help students, and they have to be responsible for double-checking their own credits.
  3. It takes a lot of effort to figure out where to go and what to do.
  4. You don’t finish the school year until mid-June.
  5. Isla Vista has bad parking and loud partying.
  6. Nobody wants a relationship.
  7. The really bad landlords and no rent control in Isla Vista.
  8. The streets are frequently dirty and full of trash after weekend nights.
  9. Restaurants and movie theatres downtown close too early.
  10. Cops are heavy-handed on ticketing.</p>

<p>** UC Irvine **
Best Things

  1. High-profile research professors
  2. Famous alumni
  3. Frequent high-profile guest speakers, including the Dalai Llama and Governor Schwarzenegger
  4. The beautiful, sunny Southern California weather
  5. Laid-back Student Center
  6. The immaculate ARC
  7. Three hefty University libraries
  8. Lord of the Rings-themed buildings
  9. Study abroad program
  10. The Career Center</p>

<p>Worst Things

  1. The solicitors
  2. Parking hell
  3. Increased student fees
  4. High cost of textbooks
  5. Difficult to find things to do
  6. Commuter school
  7. High cost of living
  8. Huge lecture class sizes
  9. Not much school spirit
  10. No football team</p>

<p>** UC Riverside **
Best Things

  1. Almost all the buildings and classrooms are new
  2. It’s a small campus for UC
  3. Biomedical sciences accelerated program
  4. The only UC to offer a creative writing major
  5. One of the most diverse schools in the nation
  6. Professors are very accessible
  7. The two libraries
  8. There’s still room for expansion
  9. Campus is relatively close to LA, San Diego, and Big Bear
  10. Student Recreation Center</p>

<p>Worst Things

  1. Homeless people
  2. Lack of nightlife
  3. Unpredictable weather
  4. On-campus dining
  5. Too close to local casinos
  6. Tuition increases
  7. Parking
  8. Very bureaucratic system
  9. Constant construction
  10. Classes held off campus at the UV</p>

<p>** UC Santa Cruz **
Best Things

  1. The beautiful campus
  2. The friendly deer
  3. Convenient public transportation
  4. Great facilities
  5. Approachable people
  6. Activists
  7. Fun downtown area
  8. Student ideological diversity
  9. The unique quarter system
  10. The amazing views</p>

<p>Worst Things

  1. Lack of parking
  2. Lack of school spirit
  3. The spread-out campus
  4. It can be quiet on the weekends
  5. Lack of sports teams
  6. Lame parties
  7. No Greek Life
  8. Tree sitters throwing things
  9. High cost of living
  10. Merrill (Cardiac) Hill</p>

<p>** UC Merced **
Best Things

  1. Friends and the friendly people you’ll meet here
  2. Great diversity
  3. Helpful professors
  4. Leadership opportunities
  5. New, well-equipped library
  6. Research opportunities for undergrads
  7. Smaller student-teacher ratio</p>

<p>Worst Things

  1. Inflexible dining commons hours
  2. Lack of athletic facilities
  3. Lack of events for students over 21</p>

<p>You definitely got these from CP</p>

<p>yah agree with Jesuis and UC Davis’ cows are cool. you drink the milk they give, eat the yogurt and butter that is made, and you put cows in the worst (im indian BTW lol)</p>

<p>cows are pretty cool, they just moo and eat and all… Mooooooooooo</p>

<p>i need to put in a plug for the arboretum (davis). but i guess that’d fall under ‘the campus’…</p>

<p>and yes, cows are cool. lol</p>

<p>You should probably re-title this to “in my opinion”.</p>

<p>I agree with a lot of it, but some of your cons are pros for me!</p>

<p>It’s not his opinion, it’s plagiarized from a college review website.</p>

<p>Ha, nice. Why post this then? Annoying.</p>

<p>Hence my post. :p</p>