Best and worst PASSHE school?

Slippery Rock has Winter/Spring enrollment gains…

Clarion University responds…looks like they are targeted for contraction…

@bester1 Did you look at Slippery Rock? Wondering if it is worth the 5.5 hour drive for D2 compared with other options like West Chester closer to us. Probably too late for D1.

WC, SR and Bloomsburg are my top three possibles right now. The more information we can get on those three, the better :wink:

@Gatormama my son is a freshman at Bloom, if you have any questions feel free to pm me

My D is only a sophomore, so there is time. I will come up with some questions and PM you, never fear!

@Portercat …Yes, she loved SRU but they no longer have varsity swimming. She has several friends that go there or are going to attend. Very, very active campus full of B students that have not yet peaked.

@ Gatormama… Bloomsburg on our final list. Seems like a very good college experience. Check it out.

Y’all have older kids than me, I think, so I’m vicariously living your experience in the hopes that it makes ours easier.

Random question - have the industrial, grey buildings at West Chester turned anyone (including your kids) off? Like I mentioned earlier, some of the buildings look new and beautiful, others are industrial Siberia, circa 1975 :slight_smile: Hopefully not offending anyone.

Nope…My daughter loves West Chester.

Beautiful campus and school spirit are important to my D, ugh.

Nice campus, great school spirit…decent oos coa…WVU

Information and perspective on the merger/closings…enjoy if you wish.


@Portercat My daughter hated West Chester’s traditional (college-owned) older dorms. They are definitely basic and have not been renovated much if at all, but they are much cheaper than the newer “Affiliated” (privately-owned) dorms. Even the latter weren’t that fancy, and in my opinion not worth the extra cost. Other than that, my daughter liked the campus and the school in general - until we visited Temple!

@kidzncatz …whats the word on Temple? I had read that they are cutting merit down this year but haven’t heard and personal account of that happening? Has she looked at Cleveland State?

Yep @kidzncatz, I didn’t know if those older dorms were the only ugly buildings at WC, that’s why I have scheduled another tour at WC. I didn’t think the WC student union was great either (dark).

Compare this with many Virginia colleges, it is night and day. Google images at Christopher Newport compared with West Chester U. and you get a sense of what I am up against, lol.

Yes, Temple has cut down rather drastically on the merit scholarships this year, in the aftermath of the $22 million deficit. Since my daughter has average-ish stats for Temple, I’m not expecting her to get merit aid. She should get Pell and state grants, and I’m hoping she gets SEOG and/or institutional need-based grants. Without those, she will almost certainly be headed to West Chester. She isn’t interested in looking at any more schools in the cold/snow belt. She applied to Toledo before she realized what the weather is like there. She hates cold weather and originally hoped to go to school in the south.

Is Temple’s timing for letting you know about aid the same as PASSHE and West Chester (I think MYOS said March?)

^I think so (Feb./March for both schools.)