Best and worst PASSHE school?

@NJWrestlingmom for the most part my son has had small classes. His 2 largest classes have been Intro to Crim Justice and a Theater Appreciation class. His English and Math classes which are what he struggles with most have been under 40 students. Our hs sends about 2 or 3 kids there a year but he has met quite a number of Bergen County kids there.

Lock Haven Athletes speak out against cuts…

That palive article is interesting but it mixed/conflates two ideas, the value of a 4 year college in general along with issues affecting the PASSHE system. They are kind of related but one is much more immediate and local (PA colleges!).

The only relevance I saw with that aspect of the article is that the PASSHE schools are possibly getting a small percentage of kids that may be better served by learning a trade, rather than going to a four year college. I saw a piece on CBS This Morning recently that said that the number of women has quadrupled in the last few years in terms of going into trades (electricians, plumbers, etc.).

More from Lock Haven…

Look how enrollment is increasing at University in Eastern Ohio with the same challenge…fewer students graduating from high school due to a declining population. PASSHE schools better take notice as many kids in the Pittsburgh/South Western PA area are choosing these schools now…

BTW, my daughter has found both Youngstown State and Cleveland State much more attractive than Clarion, CALU, Edinboro and IUP. I believe we have narrowed down to Cleveland state, WVU and Bloomsburg. Cleveland State with academic/Athletic money is down to $17,000 and this is with new residence halls, a very modern campus and an urban university experience. 2 separate overnight visits along with a classroom visit has made her really consider this school(not to mention the opportunities available at Cleveland Clinic - just a few blocks away from campus). Bloomsburg is the least expensive PASSHE school at $19,000 and WVU will likely be around $23,000 when all is said and done.

I think the tone of the PASSHE study is killing any desire for kids to want to attend some of these PASSHE schools. This maybe by design from the admin…I don’t know. Easier to contract the system. Having said that, if you are a high school senior or junior…why on earth would you even consider Clarion, CALU, Edinboro if the funding isn’t there and they very likely will have to close or pull apart the current experience?

Better off attending PSU Erie as they will continue to receive support/funding.

BUT, what have the Ohio schools done differently to attract students and boost enrollment? What is the secret?

I think Ohio has been more willing than PA to invest money, including money for scholarships/financial aid, in their schools. My daughter’s best aid offer came from the University of Toledo, not West Chester or Temple. In spite of that, she refused to go to a region colder than southern PA, and committed to West Chester this week.

@kidzncatz…Congrats!!! West Chester is a great pick. I agree with you completely with the investment in the Ohio schools, awards and a very positive vibe. WIth PASSHE we had the strike, lack of funding and now the worries of “the study” and if I were a betting man I would bet that they already have a very good idea of what will come out in “the study”.

Re: Cheney University:
“That’s one reason students, faculty and alumni fear their university – the nation’s oldest black institution of higher education – may not have a future unless dramatic change happens.”

@TomSrOfBoston …I doubt anything major would be done with Cheney because of the historical significance and political repercussions.

@kidzncatz Congrats! I am going to send you a pm if you don’t mind. I have some logistical questions. We are still hanging on, won’t commit until April I don’t think. Also sending in at least one decline letter this week. For one school, we couldn’t find out how to reject - it wasn’t obvious online, no form or postcard (?) Weird.

More on Cheney…

@bester1 Another possibility would be to merge Cheney with nearby Lincoln University, one of the so called state related universities and also an historically black institution.

Good call on the Cheney/Lincoln possibility.

I think there needs to be some accountability. After 30 million dollar line of credit, if you cannot show why or how to get out of that hole, why should you be propped up by other institutions or the state?

How can they make Cheney an attractive HBCU?
I think the Lincoln /Cheney idea is a great one.
There are lots… Hopefully some can be funded…
What about offering programs not offered in PASSHE, such as ABET accredited engineering?
Or a dual stem program on the model of FAMU /FSU - perhaps with WCU or a psu branch?
What about Development Economics (big field right now) including extensive exchanges with African universities?
Urban policy with field work in Philly and guaranteed internships at HUD ?

@Portercat I brought all my son’s paperwork in to the office yesterday and couldn’t for the life of me figure out how to decline Kutztown!!! I gave up- when I have time I guess I will call admissions!

@NJWrestlingmom If they don’t make it easy, I feel like that is on them if you don’t notify them properly.

@MYOS1634 …the PASSHE schools that have some form of ABET Accreditation include Bloomsburg, CALU, Edinboro, IUP, Millersville, Shippensburg and West Chester.