Best and worst PASSHE school?

Ship Start…lowering credit costs for High School Students…

Key to CalU’s future…

IUPattys parties are really hurting IUP’s image…The partying is out of control!

Happy Wednesday! Interesting article on schools in Northwest PA and successful increases in enrollment…

Black students in PA and concern with graduation rates…


Merging Colleges to Cut Costs and Still Boost Graduation Rates…

Penn State cracking down on fraternities.

Edinboro faculty notified of possible job cuts…here comes the BOOM…

I expect to be seeing a lot of these stories in the next couple of years - which will only make West Chester become more selective, and possibly impact some majors as far as graduating in four years. Yikes.

@bester1 I noticed your discussion on the PSU acceptance thread. Lots of PSU kool-aid there, and many people would rather not see PASSHE schools be better and more successful.

The fact is, if the PASSHE schools go under, and PSU branch campuses are unaffordable, what affordable options will be left for these students?

I really wanted my daughter to chose Bloomsburg but she is now leaning heavily towards Cleveland State and WVU. PASSHE and State financing is so shaky now. I do think Bloomsburg is very stable but you never know. Check out the slide on page 35…

@Portercat …yes, PSU kool-aid may be a soft description. Nice school, worth $35 grand in state for middle class family…perhaps…I am not so sure the math adds up. Maybe for engineering and that is a maybe.

@bester1 I also think Bloomsburg looks stable, but wonder the impact on the poorly performing ones on those doing well.

Hope they don’t drag this out so long that it only discourages more students from attending. That will snowball quickly.

@laralei…I believe this is a part of the deconstruction process. They came out with the financial dashboard, enrollment is down 15,000 since the peak in 2010 (only just over 1,000 per campus average although obviously some of the school are taking a serious hit, funding at 1990’s level, increased tuition, continued funding of the state related institution and their 2 year expensive CC’s and now the announcement of the study. Note, the study does not include the PSU/Pitt CC’s nor the actual Community Colleges. So - what is the point? To deconstruct PASSHE). This plan has been in place for a while.

5 schools facing retrenchment…from the raging chicken…

Clarion retrenchment…

Students realizing they have a voice in PA’s higher education…

Regarding PASSHE Chancellor Brogan…

“Guess who’s helped create this disconnect in K-12 education? None other than our PASSHE Chancellor, Frank Brogan. Before coming to Pennsylvania, Brogan was the Lieutenant Governor and Education Commissioner in Florida. As Commissioner, he led the national “Education Leaders Council,” which has pushed for public schools to be sold to the highest bidder—in the process, doing damage to teachers and school communities. He also wrote the “Bush/Brogan A+ Plan for Education,” which gave schools a grade from A to F, making it easier to shut down and sell off the “failing” ones. This policy became the blueprint for President George W. Bush’s notorious “No Child Left Behind,” which ramped up standardized testing and privatization.”

As I have stated before, the plan to tear apart or deconstruct PASSHE has been in place for a very long time…

I understand deconstruction maybe to some sort of a point, but to what ultimate end? Complete elimination? Paring down to 5-6 schools to make sustainable? I think the devil is in the details.

In some cases I wouldn’t mind slightly higher admissions standards.

We were recently somewhat disillusioned to hear that a friend who is not a good student and who tested very poorly was admitted to West Chester as long as they took the summer program going into freshman year. Sounded to us like a lower bar than we originally thought. No offense to them but is just about everyone admitted?

By the way, what is Raging Chicken Press? I am intrigued by this website. ‘SLASHHE’ - now that is kind of funny.

After all these weeks of posts, it would be great to hear where your students decided to matriculate and what helped to make those choices. Best of luck to all

@Portercat - that’s not very encouraging about WCU. I’m worried about that with my kid, who is pretty smart but whose GPA/test scores aren’t as good as they should be and will therefore be shut out of merit at most selective places. Ugh ugh ugh.

Many colleges for years have had that practice for some of their not as ready students. They bring them in during the summer semester when it is not as busy. Allows the student to get accustomed to the college.Usually will have them take math/english class which might be a fresher to get them academically up to where they need to be based off of their scores/gpa. These programs usually work out well for the student.They also have counselors set up for them to help in any area that the student might need.

Layoffs…more of the same…

Consolidating Community Colleges…

Good News for Cheney…

I’m currently in Pittsburgh and the potential layoffs also made the front page of today’s Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.