Best and worst PASSHE school?

My oldest DD’s friend will be graduating from Lock Haven. I think she studied exercise science or something like that. She really enjoyed her time there. Her older sister went to Arcadia then transferred to PSU. So the parents had the funds to send her to a more expensive school, but they really liked Lock Haven and the program she was in.

@fleishmo6 …Happy to hear you had a nice visit. What was the condition of the buildings? What is the current attendance? Did you hey discuss contraction of PASSHE or the study? Impact on varsity sports/student activities? A good friend of mine graduated from Lock Haven in the late 1980’s with a phycology degree and has become extremely successful. I went to Slippery Rock at the same time and had an amazing experience. Back then, schoolmates really did not judge where you went to school like kids experience today.

The buildings and campus were kept up and looked nice. The president did mention that they were forging ahead with any projects they had going on and they were not looking back
did not ask any of those type questions
Daughter is visiting all the 5 year PA Programs within 5 hrs that she can also swim at. Not many fit both but she is only a sophomore so trying to visit and see what fits best

How was the town of Lock Haven?

gotta say we did not check it out
we rolled as soon as we were done
4 hour drive each way

@bester1 we were going to head out to Bloomsburg or Millersville accepted student day Saturday (kind of bummed they were both on the same day!) and ended up at Rowan, the place my son hated in July (and where my husband & I graduated!). After going to York accepted student day, he was totally turned off and sent us into a tailspin!! Did Lycoming last week - also out because he’s now gotten in his head he doesn’t want small (our high school has about 700 students total). We stopped at Blooms on our way to Lycoming last week and he still liked it, but for some reason now has it in his head the Rowan is his top pick. I can’t really argue - it’s in state for us, not much cheaper than Blooms but a little cheaper. And one of his very good friends is going to Rowan and they have talked about rooming together. We are sitting down tonight to go through everything again, but it’s looking like after all this he’s going to end up staying in state. I will be SO happy when this is over!

My 8th grade daughter also loved Rowan - she’s totally down with applying! Assuming Brown doesn’t pan out, of course!

@NJWrestlingmom …That is amazing! You never know where this process will go!!! Rowan sounds like a great fit…Congrats!!!

Free Tuition for middle income NY residents approved…

More students needed…

@NJWrestlingmom Good news on Rowan! What turned him off about York after the accepted student day?

@NJWrestlingmom I would celebrate if my D would consider Rowan. I have a year left for her to change her mind. We just couldn’t beat it for cost, convenience, and the sciences. I’m so happy for you!

@Portercat When we went to York they separated the students from the parents for a few hours and had them group by major (he was the only male in the education department - he expected that, not a big deal). But then the other breakouts he said he just felt like he didn’t fit in with the other kids who were there. We tried to explain it’s a small sampling that day, once all the students were there in the fall there would be a better mix of kids, but he had it in his head that it wasn’t for him. It really threw us because I had brought the checkbook and was ready to pay the deposit! That somehow caused him to decide he wanted something bigger where there would be a bigger mix of kids.

Our first visit to Rowan (just my husband and son went) was in July; it was literally 100 degrees and 100% humidity -just awful and I think he hated it more because he just wanted to get out of the heat! The new dorm and engineering building were under construction back then too. When we went this past Saturday, we got to walk Rowan Blvd and all the food/shopping options, the new dorm is done and open, it was field day so a bunch of students were out on the fields playing games. Much better impression! I was kind of hoping he would go smaller, but Rowan still has no lecture halls and class sizes are almost all under 30, so I think it will be a good fit. And having a good friend going there as well probably has helped him feel a bit more comfortable that he will find his spot!

I’m mailing the check today! WHEW! I am glad to be done with this (for a couple years until my daughter starts up!).

Congrats, definitely a good feeling when choice is made.Rowan has been following the outline of Drexel U in Philly as far as growth and direction. Rowan takes many students from our High School every year. Another nice thing is they give really good FA based on SAT and GPA scores. Once again congrats.

@NJWrestlingmom Congrats and good luck to your son!!!

@NJWrestlingmom …Such a great story, turns and twists!!! We had a similar experience at York. York has some really nice things to offer but it was not a fit for my kid. We both really enjoyed John Carroll on our 1st visit, but when she came back from an official visit she said she could not stand another 4 years with entitled, snobby kids(she goes to a school with many affluent, entitled kids/families). I tried to explain that that isn’t fair as there are many types of kids but whatever happened changed her perspective on John Carroll forever. After that she wanted a larger school.

Thanks @shelleyr25 - I really liked Bloomsburg but he seems to have really settled on Rowan. I think having a good friend who’s also going really helped! Being an alum (although the school is a whole new world these days!), I can only hope he doesn’t have nearly as much fun as I did! LOL

I’ve decided to take D to visit Rowan during break. :slight_smile:

PA residents jealous of NY free tuition plan…

No kidding :slight_smile:

Post #36 and #38 bring up some important issues concerning this.

The expanded NY tuition grant will help some families save money, but might still keep some students from being able to afford college unless they can commute.

And once again, the comments on that triblive article show the mindset of Pennsylvanians (and their legislators) that got us in this mess to start with: why should I pay for something I don’t use; we don’t need higher education; it sounds like communism. Good grief. This state may as well slink down to Alabama for all of the respect for education and intellectual excellence I’m seeing. (And I am insulting Alabama with the comparison: just look at the incentives UA offers for academic excellence.)