Best and worst PASSHE school?

Penn State says they have rolling admissions.

I would be surprised if PSU UP has openings, they were over enrolled last year, and offered some students an 1+3 option if starting at a branch campus (with free tuition for first year), so those sophomores will now have to have spots at UP.

Not sure how rolling the aid packages are. At this point in the year, most money is already distributed/accounted for.

Yes, and PSU has so much to dole out

Exactly…my neighbor’s daughter will enroll at PSU…they told me they are only paying about $35 grand for next year…PA residents have lost their minds!

I bet if some affluent oos student applied to PSU and is willing to pay full freight they would take them in a heartbeat.

“only” about $35k? And gee, some free frat hazing thrown in for good measure!
Feeling a bit disgusted today with that school and certain of my acquaintances who have been turning a blind eye to this incident and the Sandusky horror…

Please do not get me started about you he Sandusky situation. Joe knew and did nothing. Now, $220 million later they want to put his statue back up like it never happened. Just another blind eye at PSU that hold the residents hostage as a fraud flagship.

^Strictly speaking, Paterno is not JUST that, but his image will be forever stained.
I don’t think it should be used against all the students at the school.

On a side note, my middle school son had a sports practice at the local community college (Montco) this week. While he was practicing, I took a walk around campus. I was very impressed, surprisingly so. Pretty campus, new buildings, lots of land, and I thought more attractive than our local PSU campus (Abington). I even saw a couple of baseball players on their way off the field and they were friendly to us.

This is not my daughter’s objective or route, but I wouldn’t hesitate to send my younger kids there if they took one of the automatic transfers to another school for the last 2 years. Too bad community college still has a stigma. There was a senior breakfast at the HS this week (set up by the students) where everyone wore their “college” sweatshirt (there were literally 30 Temple kids) I doubt anyone attended with a Montco shirt.

I know for many in PA, the commute to CC is prohibitive. It wouldn’t be easy for us, but combined with online courses it would be very do-able.

@MYOS1634 …how can you say that? There were at least 20 some victims of child molestation that could have been prevented had he had the courage and was man enough to speak out. That is a fact. PSU and their fans put his library and donations on a pedestal but the facts are that he allowed a known molester continue and nothing is more grotesque than that. Tell that to one of the victims or their families. You are much too logical and brilliant to defend him on any account.

Check out the documentary “Happy Valley” to get a imperfect perspective that went on at Penn State University Park. It is simply gross.

And I agree students should not be held accountable but they should be educated about what had occurred and how gross it truly was. How to help families of victims, the victims themselves and how to be brave enough to report crimes even if it will damage the reputation of your dear football team

@portercat…sounds like a possible plan!

Again…PSU still doesn’t get it.


@bester1 :
I believe that people can be more than one thing. I don’t know a thing about football, but apparently Joe Paterno was a great coach, who had a positive, healthy influence on his players, and respected academics. He also chose to close his eyes over a horrible crime; in some ways, he abetted a nefarious criminal and for sure he enabled a ruthless pedophile. One doesn’t erase the other. He doesn’t become a bad coach because he preferred believing his monster of a friend rather than countless people. Being a good coach doesn’t make him less criminal. I don’t confuse them. I refuse to absolve Paterno but I cannot make him JUST that.

The Jay Paterno pick is odd, at best. How is he supposed to be good for the universy or how is he legitimate? I agree it means whoever picked him “doesn’t get it”.
As for Timothy Piazza’s death, I’m all in favor of PSU giving frats an ultimatum: either they accept a supervising adult who reports to the university (paid by their dues) or be closed. According to the report and Pres.Barron’s letter, this was supposed to be a “dry”, “model” fraternity. So imagine what
As of now, I would still recommend Penn State and I’d let my kid go there if it’s affordable - there are excellent programs, Schreyer is fantastic, etc. But if my kid wanted to attend, I’d make it an absolute condition that s/he could not join a fraternity or sorority, could not attend one of their parties, period. I would have no qualms about pulling the plug and sending them elsewhere if they didn’t respect that contract. Too many horrible things happen at fraternities and Penn State’s seem to be running wild (although I have no doubt big flagships with big football have equally bad issues. I wouldn’t have a problem with Beloit’s fraternities but with UAlabama’s, I would.)

More broadly, I think we’d avoid many problems if 18+ were the age to purchase beer/wine; if there were bars in town, Greek life, which is supposed to be about volunteering and leadership and making friends, could focus on being about just that, not about getting drunk.

I agree with everything you said with the exception that joe was no more than an accomplice to what maybe the most gruesome crime and knowingly allowed the criminal access to an on campus facility all while knowing what the monster was doing.

Joe would be either in jail or going to jail now.

I don’t know all of the details but the NCAA did pull all of Joe’s wins, so they must have thought he didn’t deserve the coaching accolades. One of the interesting statements in Happy Valley was that PSU pride is akin to nationalism. Not that I agree or disagree (I went to a small LAC, so didn’t have near that sort of blind loyalty), but from the outside as a PA citizen, it does look a little weird. I am sure it is similar at other state flagships also.

To your point…

“Well, allow us to set the record straight about this board of trustees election – the man who received the most votes is an ex-football coach with exactly zero experience as an educator who likely won on name recognition alone. If Penn State truly wanted to set the Sandusky record straight, they’d cut all ties with the Paterno family forever and ensure that JoePa’s statue never sees the light of day again.”

Cheyney’s ‘conceptual framework’ for new business model includes ‘student success coach’…

They have to do something (at Cheney). Either close it or change the business model, but may be too little too late.