Best and worst PASSHE school?

If you are at all interested in a low cost oos opportunity in an urban environment…check out Cleveland State. 10 years of growth…over $500 million spent on new construction, great sense of community, 200 academic programs and only 2 hours from my home(LOL). My kid has only been there for a few days but the experience thus far has exceeded her/our expectation…
New housing, new engineering bld, new international school education center, new health sciences, new student center…it is booming.

@bester1 I’m so happy for your D.

I checked out the scholarships and wow! It comes down to a very affordable net price.

I read on another thread that Wright State is supposed to have a great theater/film program.

@MACmiracle …thank you but it is early …lol…you never know. With decent test scores and gpa you should be a few thousand under anyone PASSHE school. We were fortunate to get athletic money on top of that and that made a big difference. Cleveland is really in a growth mode so…just something for folks to consider.

Thanks, @bester1 and @mommdc - I shall check out Cleveland State, and also Wright State. I think we are all reading the same threads :slight_smile:

Cleveland State’s Theatre Dept is located at the edge of campus in Playhouse Square…(i know somebody was asking but it is getting late and I am tired and getting…the second largest theatre district next to broadway…

They also just opened a film school…I visited and was impressed…

Interesting article on the New York State Free Tuition Program…

D got a very beautiful mailing from Ohio U today. Makes me want to go there . :slight_smile:

Have y’all found yourselves getting all nostalgic? I swear, I feel like I want to go back to college. Maybe in retirement…audit some classes, be that weird old person lurking in the back row. I could swear there were a couple of 'em in some of my night classes when I was a callow 19-year-old. And I’m sure I was completely horrible or disrespectful or oblivious. Sigh.

@Gatormama I know what you mean. I am selling some of DS’s books; one of his rare HU classes. As I look at them, I keep thinking, oh that looks good, so does this one, maybe I’ll keep them for awhile. :slight_smile: DS read what he had to, but it was a chore. Like anything, when you “have” to do it, it’s not the same.

@Portercat, the main thing DD hated about PSU branch was that she couldn’t take any classes she was interested in. She went in undeclared and thought she could take different classes to see if anything spoke to her. But she wasn’t allowed to take any of them, she could only take core classes, English, math, etc. They may be necessary, but she wanted to explore and those classes just killed the little enthusiasm she had to begin with.

Also, it’s a huge feeder school for PSU for her HS and she was done w/ seeing the same kids everyday. She had to work to help pay for it, like a lot of kids there, so many would have to leave after their classes, so very little sense of community. At 18, she wanted an “experience” and got a daily grind. :frowning:

Interesting article on rankings…

Oh what a tangled web schools weave: The college rankings game

Washington Monthly College Rankings are out…

Washington Monthly College Rankings are out…

Clarion, CALU and Millersville Enrollment up…yea!!!..

@bester1 I kind of wonder why those numbers are up, when HS demographics are trending down? Maybe the costs at privates and other colleges (like flagships, steate-related, PSU, etc) have reached a ceiling where even upper-middle class families are steering towards PASSHEs due to cost.

Yes…that maybe true. I also think these schools were offering some level of incentives. If you can get the potential student to visit…these schools are very aesthetically pleasing.

So maybe that’s a good topic to dwell on for a page or two. Which schools have you visited and what did you think of the aesthetics? Surrounding town (if there is one), dorms, food, rec center or student union, student vibe - whatever you can contribute to give us a picture in our mind to go along with the spiffy brochures.

I can talk with a teensy bit of knowledge about ESU. My D stayed overnight in a dorm - Lenape - for a summer lax camp a couple of years ago. Her dorm room was a single room, with a roommate who had a separate single room, and they had a living room/tiny kitchen area. I think they had their own bathroom, but I can’t remember that part exactly. I was really impressed - it was very spacious and pretty new.

ESU’s library, though I’ve never been in it, is a lovely building from the outside. It has a decent football field and other sporting fields. The fieldhouse (for basketball) looks old from the outside. Not sure how it is inside.

The campus is self-contained in a big rectangle, though there are roads that go through it (and that I use as a shortcut every day to get to one of my kids’ secondary schools). Lots of speed bumps and ped xing, so seems safe. It’s right next to the local hospital.

The problem is that ESU isn’t near anything that interesting really within walking distance. East Stroudsburg has a lame downtown area a few blocks away, if you can even call it that. Diner, restaurant, gallery, pizza/Chinese food, drugstore and that’s about it. Frazetta’s is there, which is great at Halloween (costume/prop shop run by the family of the famed illustrator). But hardly a place to go to every week.

Stroudsburg, the adjoining borough, has a lovely Main Street and the bar/restaurant scene is thriving, but it’d be a long walk (1 mile-plus or so) - so that means driving, which means the possibility of drunk driving. I worry about driving in the area on weekend nights, specifically because of college kids.

Other than that, it’s the Poconos, so lots of cool outdoor things to do, Delaware River, a great jazz club (the Deer Head Inn), tons of water parks, etc. Very tourism-focused.


I love the town of Stroudsburg too (been many times) and don’t think it is all that far from campus compared to West Chester or Kutztown. I wonder why ESU seems to get a “meh” rating from many locals and students. I haven’t heard or read many ESU students that love their school. What aren’t they doing right? With the Poconos, the town, and NYC, they seem to have a lot in their favor.

The Poconos are the pits, take it from me. It’s great to vacay here. Not to live.

I agree that has something to with it, but Bloomsburg is pretty much in the Poconos and has good reviews (from the students perspective) on niche and cappex. I am not referring to rankings, just a sense that students like to be there.

The Bloomsburg students generally seem happier to be there and the reputation is on the upswing, so they must be doing something right or something differently.

Bloomsburg isn’t in the Poconos; it’s its own place. The Poconos have a special set of problems that comes from being tourist area: horrible traffic every weekend, bad roads and planning, not much to do beyond tourist-oriented things (there’s only so many weekends you can go to a water park or a zip line - those of us who live here don’t have the money to do these things all the time), higher costs for things like gas because of tourists, a constant tension between old-timers and new residents who moved from the city and still commute back there, then I guess you have the town/gown tension on top of that.
That said, I’m talking only about outside factors - not school factors. So I don’t have any true insights into what it’s like. I will say my neighbor sends both her kids there and they seem happy.