Best and worst PASSHE school?

Is 2017-18 the year Penn State, Pitt, Temple and Lincoln universities become fully private?..

According to this comparison, there were a similar number of on campus arrests for drug and liquor violations in 2015 at Bloomsbury, IUP and Slippery Rock, and a higher number at West Chester. You have to click on each school’s link and go to campus security.

Interim chancellor visits Mansfield, Lock Haven universities on tour…


@bester1 Very interesting article and comments on state-related schools and possibility of them becoming private. Most commenters are really angry and want to stop funding these schools, but it seems that most want state funding of any education to stop (including state owned). I just cant support that!

As PA residents, do we really want to be the only state in the nation that doesn’t support any higher education?

FYI, I was referring to the (angry) commenters on the article link, not here on CC.

@portercat…PSU, Pitt and Temple really are not completely state schools. The state system is the PASSHE system. Since the 1990’s PSU has added 4 year degrees to their branch campuses and received more aid…taking away from the PASSHE system and even competing with it. Same at Pitt…doesn’t make sense.

We need Higher Education in PA…or else we are doomed.

Interim chancellor visits Cal U on university tour…

I really like how the Interim Chancellor is working on the public mission…moving from gloom and doom, bigger is better to a what is the purpose of higher education…really is important.

@bester1 Yep, state related. I guess my point was that many folks don’t know the difference and don’t want their tax dollars going to ANY higher ed, regardless of whether it is state related or PASSHE.

I am sure many had their kids in college decades ago, or are receiving other benefits form the state. Some guy even said why don’t they just go to private college like my kids did! I’m sure they went many, many years ago before tuition skyrocketed.

Here is another article on the subject:

Good find!

“Pennsylvania’s state-related universities, which have been counting on a roughly $650 million allocation from the state to subsidize lower tuition rates for students who live in the commonwealth”.

Wow, just imagine how even more unaffordable the tuition would be! :((

Exactly…it comes to $10,000/year per student.

Hi guys - crossposting to say I posted a longgg trip report on visiting WVU and OU - here:

@Gatormama Great report. Of course, 2 posts down from yours is the “Harvard, Princeton, Yale” report, which makes me think that all of CC is ivy-centered and this is one of the only threads for regular kids…I digress.

What is your in-state safety that you mentioned?

@Portercat, I read her post there as well and was disappointed the posts went right to the HPY report as well.

It’s just the nature of the CC beast; glad our thread exists, though we are few among many.

Well, I felt idiotic after posting it, because I should’ve known better and posted it in the 3.0-3.4 2019 thread, so I went there right away and stuck in a link. Much better suited to that one!
In-state safety for us is West Chester. Meaning she’ll get in, might even get a smidge of merit aid, and we can, without killing ourselves, fork over enough money to keep them happy, god willing.

I thought I might share some financial info regarding Mount St. Mary’s U in Emmitsburg, MD, a small town only a few minutes from Gettysburg and the PA border.

There was a serious issue there two years back, but now there is a new president who seems to be dedicated to re-building trust and improving programs.

It is has a strong Catholic identity so it won’t be for everyone, but about a third of students are not Catholic so non-Catholics who aren’t turned off by the Catholicity might be fine.

It seems super friendly and nurturing. Everyone in town, too, was wonderfully kind and helpful. In that way, to me as a NJ girl, it felt more like a Midwest than an East Coast vibe. Or maybe it was southern? I don’t know, but it was good.

The direct costs are around $51,600 and merit is generous for average decent stats. Top merit is $25,000.

It might be a good option for someone who wants small, rural, school spirit, and does not want to be a number. It’s also good for someone who likes the outdoors.

@MACmiracle I am glad your D liked the school.

Has she ever looked at Duquesne?

Maybe you can swing by there when you go to Grove City?

They were giving out top merit of $20,000 last year plus $4,000 for students living on campus.
Possibly some need based aid too.

Do you think you might qualify for PA grant?

The application is free online before Dec 15 and I believe they accept SAT scores reported on the transcript.

@mommdc We are in NJ and we can’t use a state grant out of state. I’m just on this thread because almost all the schools we like are in PA.

My only reservation about Duquesne is that it’s urban and she doesn’t want urban. But I’ve heard the campus is beautiful and Pittsburgh would offer a lot of opportunities.