Best and worst PASSHE school?

Thanks all. @mommdc Without assuming too much, he may be eligible for a diversity scholarship.

DS15 was top 2% of graduating class and had a 33 ACT score, one sitting. He got $5K at Pitt. Even then I was hearing that Pitt & PSU were awarding far more to OOS students.

Still annoys me!

@mommdc, @laralei Wow, that Pitt merit thread is kinda depressing. There are folks upset because they were only offered 20K per year instead of $25K. Good grief.

Especially for engineering it is very difficult for an instate student to get high merit.

Yes, people on that thread also seem to forget that the scholarships are not automatic, even if you meet or exceed minimum stats.

There is a scholarship committee meeting weekly and deciding who receives a scholarship. It is also a recruitment tool.

For a public university they are giving quite a lot of merit compared to similar institutions in other states, but it is very competitive.

All well and good, but I believe a state school should be more inclined to gift their in state students over OOS.

I’ll have to go check out that thread when I get a chance, just to aggravate myself even further! :slight_smile:

PITT is not a state school. It is stated related and only because in 1964 it was the only way it could stay afloat…a public life raft if you will…officially changed in 1966

Penn State’s tuition soars and university “appears” to favor foreign students, auditor general says…

I had an interesting conversation with my wife on this subject of families who get scholarship “windfalls”. And considering the amount that is saved, it is really a windfall.

So our church is undergoing a major renovation and fundraising with a capital campaign, and I told my wife that we have kids in college and more going soon, so we are not in a position to contribute. I can’t help but think that those friends with a similar professional situation (with the kid who is getting a free ride) should be the ones that help more with these contributions. It is horrible to think, I know, but it is what it is.

@Portercat …don’t beat yourself up. We all have bad moments and have those thoughts particularly in light of the unfairness that the college merit/funding brings to light. I know someone that sent their kid to college for virtually nothing as he works “under the table”. I was at a function with this individual and he was actually telling people this. We are not rich, yet we do not receive anything but unsubsidized loans. I let it ruin my night knowing he lives in a nicer house, drives a better car and paid very little to get his kid educated at Pitt… I never should have let that happen. My mother always told me life isn’t fair…lol

We didn’t get anything but unsubsidized loans for our kids either. Some kids went to their schools with need based aid, ours paid full price . We got nothing and are not wealthy. But, that is the way it works and the system is not likely to change, so best not to dwell on it. For the most part, the kids getting aid need it and deserve it . There are certainly families that game the system, but luckily most do not.

Temple use to have automatic full tution with 32 ACT and 3.8 GPA. I don’t know if that increased the number of instate students that attended who had such stats.

But yes, PA as a whole could do more to keep high stats students instate.

Pitt, Temple and PSU do give instate students a $10,000 tuition reduction, which is most likely not covered completely by the state appropriations they receive.

Thanks @Bester1. I know someone who has a home business totally under the table who is also getting need aid. It is a double whammy, pay no income tax and get financial aid for your kids. Of course, it is fraud.

@mommdc …not sure what you are exactly referring to with the $10,000 tuition reduction or how one qualifies as we certainly did not. Penn State/Pitt and Temple are all state related. The only absolute is that…

“Penn State has already paid out $109 million to settle Sandusky abuse claims by at least 34 people. The university has not provided the amount of any individual settlement. To date, not one lawsuit over Sandusky abuse claims has gone to trial.”

I don’t want to get too far off track but this is where money has been going…and much if not all of this would had been prevented if self preservation had not been job 1.

Penn State still fighting 2 Sandusky abuse claim lawsuits…

Instate students pay less in tuition than OOS students at state related schools like Pitt, PSU and Temple.

State-related schools receive appropriations from the state and lower tuition for PA residents in return. Other than that, the schools operate autonomously.

So all PA residents help support Pitt/PSU/Temple while only some get the lowered tuition. And yet the schools still get to offer whatever scholarships to OOS students.

And because they are “State related” they do not have to disclose public records. It is insane that the state residents have tolerated this. They should take residents 1st or all appropriations should cease. Instead they funnel residents to the 24 branch campus’s and less and less funding is available for the true state schools(PASSHE).

Yes…this hits a nerve for me. I apologize. Still…most residents have no idea about any of this…it is a scam of grotesque proportions.

@bester1 I realize that PSU is state related, but as stated by @InfiniteWaves above, they still get appropriations from the state. Yet, the poor scholarships they offer even high stat PA students is appalling. The lower rate for PA residents may be helpful to some, but everyone I know isn’t even considering it due to costs.

On another note, I am very happy to announce.that D18 got a letter from West Chester University and she has received the Board of Governors Scholarship!!! Full tuition for all 4 years!

Still waiting to see what, if anything, Bloom has to offer, but as of now she has an affordable option and I am greatly relieved. Phew!

@laralei wow that is great!!!

I am so happy for you and your D!

What FANTASTIC news @laralei !!! Congratulations to your D18 !!! Whoo hoo!!!

@laralei …Congrats!!! Great news!!

@laralei Congrats!!! Very exciting! That is the same one my son received. He turned it down for Bloom. My guess would be your daughter will also get Bloomsburgs top academic scholarship of 5000.00 a year.