Best and worst PASSHE school?

We believe she will get a small amount. Then, if she performs and makes the conference team the amount will increase the following years. I have said along that she has to go to a place where we can afford in case swimming doesn’t work out.

merit scholarship at Pitt Bradford, they have swimming I think

@mommdc…thank you. Unfortunately she is not interested in the branch campus’s. Nice suggestion!

That is at the top end of the state. Is anything near there? Maybe thats why they offer that scholarship.

I wonder if you are eligible after your freshman(sophomore, junior) year as well???

@bester1 Do you think the John Carroll U. offer will come in with a COA of less than 30K/year?

@portercat …I do not think so but we might bite at 25K/year.

^Terms and Conditions if Pitt Bradford scholarships

@mommdc …it is a good deal if you can convince your kid to attend there.

DS is sophomore at University of Alabama on Presidential scholarship, top 2% of graduating class, 33 ACT score.

He applied to Pitt and Penn State, just for the heck of it, and only received $5K in Merit money from both. After applying maximum fed & state grants, maximum fed loans, and projected work study of $2500, we were still coming up with a short fall of around $14000 per year. So almost $30K in loans for him, and over $55K for us, Crazy.

PASSHE schools didn’t even offer Electrical Engineering, so of no use to him at all.

For our HS sophomore, who is a good but not great student, I am hoping to see what kind of grants or scholarships come from these PASSHE schools for you all.

@laralai…so almost $30K in loans for him, and over $55K for us. I assume you mean when extended over 4 years?

I don’t think there is much merit from PASSHE in general, but they are pretty inexpensive to begin with - compared with Penn State, not compared with Presidential scholarships however. Of course, not inexpensive compared to other states.

@laralei same reason my DD looks to be heading to Univ of Alabama…2/3 tuition scholarship worth almost 18K…Temple came in the closest with 5k…no place else was even close.

Tonight, after hearing about college acceptances from several friends, receiving my D2s PSAT scores and reading CC, the word mediocre comes to mind…I never thought of my kids that way, but I think it is the truth. I was pretty academic when I was growing up. I don’t think I’ll be posting the college choice on Facebook, lol.

Remember that cc is a microcosm. 'mediocre ’ students score in the 17-19 range on the act. And even that is just the low end of average. Basically most kids score in the 17-23 range, those scoring 25-26-27 are an exception, and those at 30+ are rare overall (as evidenced by the fact thresholds are at 24 &30 on the upper levels of ipeds.) cc skews that, where a 30-31 is a low score…
Not sharing your kids ’ college choice would indicate you’re not happy and are, rather disappointed.
Guessing many friends ’ Kids are going to Clarion or such, and even feel OK about it.

@Portercat My daugher bombed the PSATs and went on to get a great ACT score…don’t freak out!

@portercat…hey, you are my kindred soul. Stop thinking too much about it. I have been there. The last CEO of the Boeing Corporation was a graduate of a PASSHE school. Most all kids are average including mine. They are smart enough, social, athletic and want to do good things with their life. Hang in there my friend!

And Chad Hurley, founder of YouTube, is an IUP grad!

Wow, I didn’t know that! Yes unfortunately standardized tests don’t measure leadership, EQ, creativity, and most types of conceptualization. They only measure those things that AI will be doing in the next 20 years; but that’s how colleges award money.

I work with lots of Engineers, and honestly the best one, the guy with the most solutions, the most patents, etc. started out as a creative arts major in college.

I just sat in a swim meet at Pitt this morning. Nobody goes to an average school anymore…lol. Everyone tries to impress even wasn’t it isn’t necessary. A coach from Gannon came to see my kid and I heard folks behind me saying that they would never send there kid there as it wasn’t “academic” enough. I don’t even know what that means??? Lol…it is all so silly. Kids can’t just move forward or parents can’t be happy for their kids to move forward. I just want a happy, well adjusted kid that wants to make a difference in whatever field she wants to enter.

What parent would say that? Especially with someone representing the school there (I assume the coach didn’t hear them). I work in a large company, no one from Marketing ever walked down the hall and said that their co-worker wasn’t “academic” enough, lol.