Best and worst PASSHE school?

SRU spring enrollment continues upward trajectory

Just received a text from a friend I haven’t talked to in a while. Our boys are both freshman in college - hers ended up at Bloom, mine went to Rowan. She said her son’s first semester roommate ended up being a drug addict and his parents were constantly texting her son trying to get him to wake him up and make him go to class! Roommate didn’t come back this semester, but now his Philosophy professor (former head of the dept) has been arrested after child pornography was found on his Bloom computer! He is transferring, most likely to local CC, next year to regroup.

@NJWrestlingmom Are you saying this is a systemic problem at Bloom?

@portercat not at all. I can’t link to the article, but the prof was found out because the stuff was on his Bloom computer and they found it during routine checks.

Just goes to show that everyone’s experience is different. My friend’s son is miserable at Rowan; my son is thriving. I’ve learned with my son being a freshman - it’s all kind of a crap shoot. Many of his high school friends are transferring out of their schools next year. One of his friend’s left at Christmas to go to community college this semester (not Rowan). Touring can only go so far. Luckily, my son picked a great roommate and they are the best of friends. No doubt that helped his transition.

Interesting, thanks. My daughter was in a triple her first semester and one of her roommates (the one she wasn’t great friends with) transferred, and is now in a double. Still paying with triple discount however (small win!).

I will say, I have been reading a ton on educational trends. Online options, microcredentialing, community college options (new generation understands debt much better) and demographic changes are accelerating BIG time lately. I do believe that there will be big changes in Higher Ed over the next 10 years.

@portercat and @NJWrestlingmom

IUP student from Erie advances to national musical competition

There are success stories and failure stories at all schools…this seemingly very good kid just lost his life at the prestigious Penn State University do to a drug overdose and drug addiction.

Centre County coroner reveals cause of Penn State student’s death

So I guess my point is to be careful…all kids are at risk, all colleges are at risk…we as parents need to do a better job and even with that…kids will make mistakes.

You will find the pron issue at many, many colleges including Michigan, Harvard and so on…
Ex-Michigan college professor charged with child porn…

Pornography Cited in Ouster At Harvard…

Ex-prof fired for porn files suit…

Utah professor charged with viewing child pornography…

hundreds of cases out there!!!

There was no fix for the state schools, and I still think the lowest performing schools should be closed and those funds directed to the others to make them more affordable. I am not happy w/ the tuition hike, but at least my DD will have that covered at WCU.

@mommdc I had spoken to DD about taking Chinese, but she has now decided she is “over” it. I spoke of Bloom’s program more of how the school was not responding to all the inquiries. But I do thank you for that link, it was very interesting. Goes to show how kids interests can change.

How about the 24 PSU Branch campuses? Many of those should be closed or restructured.

I agree. I think they should also be on the chopping block for the long term health & affordability of PA colleges for in state students.

With regards to the PSU branch campuses, we have one within reasonable driving distance of our HS, so it is generally the school w/ the highest number of students attending after graduation. Any student planning to attend a state school would need to dorm.

@Gatormama I read your report on Stockton. I know I have read, here on CC?, that it is a good school and definitely worth considering when looking at costs. I looked at it, but it would have only brought the costs down to level of our state schools, and I would have needed it cheaper.

Glad it went so well on your tour & you have a good option for your daughter!

@laralei is the PSU branch closer than your Community College to your HS? Do they have any agreements with the CC?

Our PSU branch is about 5-10 minutes drive from 3 local High Schools, including ours, and now offers 4 year degrees. Our Community College (Montco) is 40 minutes away. Same with Bucks CC. The closest PASSHE (West Chester U) is an hour away. Distance can make the difference for these students.

Just a reminder…
Student Loan Debt by School by State Report…
Scroll down to the state rankings…we are #1

Pennsylvania Student Loan Debt by College…

At least we’re Number 1 in something…sigh

Interesting article on “What if”, concerning Pitt potentially becoming private:

I think all of the state related should go private or conform to all the “Right to Know” requirements all of the other state schools are required to abide by. I also think they should give preference to in state students which they currently do not(and yes…I know that is partly because of the lack of funding). PA is a mess. Stop funding the state related or fund them at a high enough level so that in state kids get preference and can afford to attend so that they stop targeting the more affluent OOS clientele.

Otherwise…lets boost the funding to the PASSHE schools and make them more affordable and better options.

You see…the state bailed out Pitt at one time…they seem to have forgotten that(from the article)…

“Pitt, once a private state-aided institution, gained state-related status in 1966. The funding that accompanied the designation helped the university endure a 1960s financial crisis.”

In a book about Pitt’s first 200 years published by the University of Pittsburgh Press, Robert C. Alberts described what seemed like a hybrid.

“The University remained legally a private entity and, in practice, retained the freedom and individuality of a private institution, both administratively and academically,” Mr. Alberts wrote in “Pitt: The Story of the University of Pittsburgh 1787-1987.”

It should be noted that Pitt has a $3.5 billion endowment…do the math…interest alone would help.


There are only 2 public pharmacy schools in PA, Pitt and Temple. Pitt is the closest to us.

I wanted to share some interesting news with Pennsylvania folks. Elizabethtown is looking for a founding director for a Physician Assistant program. I know DeSales has a PA program but I don’t know about others in the state.

Elizabethtown’ scholarships extend to five years for OT students, as far as I know. If they do the same for PA, it would be really nice.

St Francis U has a 5 year PA program, 3 yr undergrad and then 2 year grad school (one year didactic and one year clinical rotations).
The merit scholarship is for the first three undergrad years as far as I know.

I know Duquesne used to give their pharmacy scholarship for all 6 years. Not sure how their PA program works.

I think Lock Haven has a PA program, and SRU is looking to start one.