Best and worst PASSHE school?

My S has auditioned and has been accepted to the music education program at IUP!

Everyone we met has been really nice and the faculty and alumni seem really proud of their music program.

He received the Sutton scholarship and then we received a letter that he will get another $2,000 scholarship.

@mommdc Congratulations! My youngest D’s piano teacher graduated from IUP a long time ago. We have had many, many music teachers over the years and she is by far the best I’ve seen.

Slippery Rock has a PA Program…

Yes, but I thought that has been a fairly recent development.

@mommdc Congrats to your son on the IUP acceptance and scholarships! Does he plan on attending?

@laralei, thank you!
Yes, he paid his deposit the other day.

@mommdc Nice when things are finally settled. DD has a few friends from school looking to go there as well.

DD actually sent in her acceptance of the Board of Governor’s Scholarship to West Chester University this past week as well. I just wanted her to look at the other schools, IUP & Slippery Rock, so we didn’t leave anything on the table.

Just found out this week that she never checked her student portal & WCU requested our past taxes, verification, etc…over 2 months ago! 8-| Been digging up all that stuff this past weekend. Once I get that sent it, we will be also pay the deposit. We spent the other day looking at the different dorms, as she will be in traditional if she doesn’t get into the Honors college. Glad the decision is made & we can start looking at the fun stuff the rest of this year.

Good thing you caught that!
And congratulations on a decision made!

If WCU wasn’t so far we might have looked at it too, but I truly feel for music education and voice IUP is the best choice for him.

Yeah we need to look at housing and schedule orientation which is in June I think.

We have some local scholarships he needs to apply to soon, but he is busy with the spring play and he made it to All-State Choir so he is preparing for that.

Yes, @mommdc I am glad to have a commitment & moving forward.

Most of the local scholarships go for kids going more locally, but there is one that will consider kids going further away, so told her she needs to do that one.

There is also a small scholarship for Latin seniors, and she is the only senior left. But the teacher doesn’t think it is fair to award her the entire amount & wants to see about awarding some to juniors. Needless to say, DD is NOT happy & I can’t say I blame her. She will be very happy to say goodbye to her high school.

@laralei That seems crazy…if anything your daughter should get more for being the only one to stick out until her senior year!

I agree!

Jeez @mommdc - they’re penalizing her for her commitment. I’d consider raising this with someone higher up the chain.

West Chester University launches pilot program

Is anyone on here an expert on CC to PASSHE transfers? Our local CC (Montco) has different options; and seems to separate into 4 buckets:

  1. Dual Admissions - I assume you apply to the PASSHE as a HS senior before starting CC?
  2. Core to Core - This seems to be the basic core curriculum
  3. Program to Program - I assume specific programs (like nursing)
  4. TAOC State university/Community College agreement

I can contact the school for details, but didn’t know if anyone had applied or used these paths (or know anyone who has)? The dual admissions seems like the best guarantee to transfer everything and admittance, as you know before you even start, but I’m not sure. I’m looking at this for my HS junior D. Thanks!

Greensburg couple gives IUP $1.4 million

@Portercat I have no actual experience w/ the CC to college transfers.

I did look at them briefly for DD and the only thing I remember is that the Dual Admissions was based on IF they had room in that particular program upon transfer. Didn’t like the sound of that.

I think it could still be a good option, but would require a real in depth discussion w/ the CC and the potential transfer school.

Just a clarification on the Latin scholarship for DD.

Apparently the teacher planned on giving some to graduating seniors who took the class in the past. His reasoning was that they couldn’t take it this year because it conflicted w/ other classes.

DD told him that happens w/ all the classes, kids always have to choose and she chose Latin! She plans of pursuing this w/ him.

I very much doubt my calling will make any difference, thousands of kids with issues far more pressing to admin than her not getting a small scholarship.

Anyone notice how this thread does not appear in the “latest posts”?

@laraei if you search “PASSHE” it will be one of the first threads to come up but I did notice that.