Best and worst PASSHE school?

I wonder why?

I realize many posting here are not here for the our state schools, but for those just starting to look here, this could be a great thread for them.

Higher Education Funding…

Another nod to Ohio. Community College to offer Bachelor’s degree

Story of embattled Edinboro president:

Pa. state universities’ system fills another of its presidential openings…

Edinboro University enhances nursing education program with high-tech opioid treatment course…

Grant makes Clarion opioid certificate more attainable for workers/trainees…

Millersville University’s next president comes from Washington and Lee University…
Edinboro changing things up.

Bloomsburg University Makes Child’s Wish Come True…

Alumni give largest single gift to IUP…

Indiana University of Pennsylvania receives $23 million gift for math and science

2018 rankings of U.S. public colleges.

Top schools from PASSHE are rated as follows:
WCU - 138
SRU - 156
Millers - 229

251 - 485(not in specific order)

Bloom Kutz Shipp
CALU LHU East Strouds U
Clarion Mans

West Chester University student, 86, works toward computer science degree

Money pouring into IUP these days!

Latrobe couple adds $2M to gift for IUP science and math building…

Many of you may have already seen this article but I thought I would post it anyway. I believe the truth is perhaps mixed but I believe 100% with my heart that is about individual desire to excel and finding a passion - not the school that you are admitted to…let’s not forget loan debt.

Hoping to avert a $705 cut in the maximum award, PHEAA’s board delays decision on grant formula

Certain schools are well known and I think people are impressed by that. And on here, you will see this discussion come up and there will always be people who do the hiring comment that they will only look at certain schools, or wouldn’t hire from schools. I’ve always felt that reflected more on them and their own biases than the colleges.

Don’t know how many still check this thread, but thought I would give an update on DD at West Chester.

She had interviewed for the Honors College, which only selected 40 students out of 300. She didn’t make it, and was disappointed, but thinks it will free her up for other opportunities.

As a parent, I was sad for her but also relieved as it will save us $4000 a year on dorm costs! :slight_smile:

@laralei - sorry your d didn’t get the honors gig, but yeh, I totally get the quiet sigh of relief!! Can you remind me of her stats again? I seem to recall she’s got more impressive numbers than my d, and if so it would be good to strike off any thought of HC now, rather than think it possible. Thanks!

At some schools honors might not be (just) stats driven, but holistic.

@laralei sorry that D was disappointed, I am sure she will be busy and have great opportunities!


WCU students and faculty rally for affordable education