<p>These are the AP courses I will be taking as a senior:
AP Physics
AP Calc
AP English Lit
AP Gov't
Maybe AP Econ (my school is deciding whether to implement this class)
French 4 H (Although as top or one of the top students in French 3 H, my class is really really stupid so I'm not sure if I'm going to take this exam but I may have to self-study)</p>
<p>To go along the year: To study along with my textbook that can provide comprehensible, yet detailed explanations of concepts that are often written in complicated sentences in college textbooks DX
Barron's vs. PR vs. 5 steps to a 5 vs anything else?
Any experiences with these books?</p>
<p>For review: I will eventually buy another set of AP books to review as AP season nears (two months prior I hope if I have the time). Something that is concise yet informs the student most if not all the concepts that will be tested in the AP Exams along with several practice tests that are either at level with the AP exam or harder than the exam. </p>
<p>I am particularly weak in the sciences (meaning C's, D's, and F's in my tests even though I keep studying my butt off but still got good grade in the class) so if you were in the same boat as me and succeeded in getting a 5 on the physics exam, your advise would be greatly appreciated.</p>
<p>Also if you know that a particular prep book is NOT good for a subject please tell me so I can make sure not to buy it. </p>
<p>Thank you!</p>