Best Dorms

<p>What are the best dorms in terms of room size and sort of quiet atmosphere? </p>


<p>Liz Waters, one of the most popular dorms (meaning you may not get in when the lottery is done), has the largest rooms of the regular rate dorms. The newest dorms, Smith and Ogg, cost more and may have bigger rooms. In general the Lakeshore dorms tend to be a quieter location. The quietness will depend on the residents- if some are stereotyped to be quiet those wishing quiet may dominate in them.</p>

<p>I currently live in Chadbourne Hall and have to say that I’m really glad I live there. It’s about $200/year more expensive than other dorms and the rooms not the biggest but it’s really at the center of campus. At the foot of Bascom Hill, in front of the Business School and in the corner of Park and University. It’s also not very loud.</p>

<p>Spend some time on the Res Halls housing website. You can find out room dimensions and layouts plus a ton of other information. A nice thing about dorms at UW-Madison is the variety of buildings and locations. All have been maintained and remodelled over the years (plumbing, changeable room layouts) so pros and cons are mainly personal preferences. Check the lofting guides under the sidebar room furnishings of the residence hall communities page for photos of rooms and furniture.</p>

<p>I’m looking too right now and want some of the same things you want and my two top choices are Kronshage and Slichter - both lakeshore. This is just going off the website and housing packet, though as I haven’t been able to visit the dorms.</p>

<p>Another helpful way to see the dorms - do a 3D virtual tour of the area via Bing Maps and Google Earth street view- they complement each other. Just as good as driving past places, plus ariel views. Good way to see the area surrounding campus also.</p>

<p>The lofting guide has many details to notice- window types, furniture, walls, floors…</p>

<p>Do not obsess too much about your choices now- you can change them in the spring before the May housing lottery. Do pay attention to the room costs if your budget dictates. Keep in mind that no matter where you live on campus you will be living with fellow UW students- enjoy.</p>