<p>There are LSAT prep courses, and prep books if you don't want to drop the cash for a prep course. Lots of places like Kaplan and Princeton Review also offer free practice tests in order to try to entice you to take their courses. That might be something to consider.</p>
<p>As to your second question, as much as I adore civ and will sing its praises to the ends of the earth, I don't think it's going to help you too much in preparing for a career in patent law, primarily because we use some pretty archaic equipment. The field's rather stagnant in terms of the technology we use in the field, so you're really not going to see that many patent applications coming in that have anything to do with civil engineering, and the new equipment that we get, well, you'd have to be an elec to understand how these newfangled "digital" things work... I'd recommend elec pretty highly above civ in this case, as much as it pains me to do so.</p>
<p>But Mechanical is supposed to be ok for patent law, right? I'm having serious second thoughts about EE. It just doesn't seem too appealing to me.</p>
<p>Any engineering will work out fine. Heck, any science would work out fine too. Like I said before, you don't even really need a technical degree at all to be a patent lawyer (although I agree that it helps).</p>
<p>"All right, thanks. I'm kind of puzzled as to how to study for the LSAT also. When did you start studying, and what did you do to study for it?"</p>
<p>First of all, I'll just add my two cents. I think Mechanical Engineering is a fine vehicle to use for Law School. I certainly enjoyed my degree. M E is one of the very broadest disciplines in Engineering, so you'll be exposed to (and hopefully become well versed in) a wide vareity of science and engineering disciplines.</p>
<p>Secondly, I personally studied for the LSAT by:
a) speaking to the Law School advisor at my campus, who "hooked me up" with a few sample exams and talked with me about some test-taking strategies.</p>
<p>b) purchased a Kaplan Test Prep book, which I thought helped my score considerably.</p>
<p>Just my two cents. Take it for what it's worth.</p>