<p>My go to 4-</p>
<p>Dunkin' Donuts - Best Breakfast Place. Donuts > any other place. Don't even bring that weak Krispy Kreme argument.</p>
<p>Qdoba - Best Mexican. I know most of you will say Chipotle but you are wrong. Sorry. No comparison really. Burritos are about equal. Qdoba's nachos and queso put it way out of Chipotle's league. Don't believe me? Go there and order a 3-cheese nachos ground sirloin.</p>
<p>Chick-Fil-a - Yeah, it's pretty legit. Chicken sandwich is good. And then you've got the waffle fries.</p>
<p>Checkers (Known as Rallies in the south) - Best fast food burgers I've ever had other than the Varsity in ATL. Spicy fries.....nuff said.</p>
<p>Add yours.</p>
<p>Country Waffles(I’m not sure if this restaurant would be considered fast food though:/)</p>
<p>I’m not too keen on fast-food restaurants – been a LOONNNGGG time since I’ve been to McDonald’s/BK/Subway/etc. I guess I’m the anti-fast food type.</p>
<p>Only exception: Taco Bell =]</p>
<p>Chipotle and Boston Market.</p>
<p>Breakfast: IHOP. Well, not sure if that counts as fast food. Otherwise, Dunkin’ Donuts.</p>
<p>And I do like Krispy Kreme’s donuts best, so I have to say them for best donuts. I hadn’t had one in forever though because stores near my house stopped selling them. Then on vacation, in a different country no less, we found them. And had them. And they were great. </p>
<p>Boston Market has great meals.</p>
<p>McDonald’s has the best fries. </p>
<p>Ben & Jerry’s has best ice cream. </p>
<p>That’s it for now.</p>
<p>—Krispey Kreme (more sugar than Dunkin’ Donuts, plus they’re made on site, not shipped in a truck)</p>
<p>—Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream</p>
<p>@hatersunite: All the Checkers closed in my area, and I miss them. They had gooooooooood fries, and it was awesome. Man, it’s been like 10 years, I can’t believe it
<p>I have never eaten at a Boston Market. Is it actually fast food? I thought it was a sit down restaurant.</p>
<p>The Boston Market sucks in my town, always had lousy food. It’s not a drive-thru, and you order at the front, then you can sit down after getting your order.</p>
<p>All of my family prefers Krispy Kreme. Luckily I sort of won the argument when all the Krispy Kremes around me closed like 5 years ago. They are certainly awesome when warm and melting in your mouth. That said, they are way too sugary. After 3 they don’t taste good. And I usually pound home like 6 Dunkin’ D’s so…yeah. I’m not fat at all BTW. </p>
<p>I’ve also never had Ben & Jerry’s other than from the grocery store. Are there B&J stores? Sort of like Dairy Queen?</p>
<p>O! I forgot one! In-N-Out:)</p>
<p>“The Boston Market sucks in my town, always had lousy food. It’s not a drive-thru, and you order at the front, then you can sit down after getting your order.” </p>
<p>So that’s not really fast food IMO. I usually consider any place you can walk in an out with your order fast food. If it’s stuff you have to eat there, I wouldn’t consider it fast food. But that’s just me.</p>
<p>And IMO seafood would always suck fast food style. I’ve never been to Long John Silver’s but it’s apparently terrible.</p>
<p>Ohh forgot another. </p>
<p>Popeyes - Better than KFC. Chicken and biscuits. Spicy fries. Onion Rings. Legit.</p>
<p>Really? Wow, we just got a Dunkin’ Donuts like 4 months ago here. I love the hot donuts, but I can eat a whole dozen (lol, I’m skinny too!). Dunkin D’s is a bit caky, but K K is veeeery sugary. Get this: I went to school with the family that started Krispy Kreme! Crazy, huh? Just found out 2 weeks ago ;)</p>
<p>Ben & Jerry’s has stores the same way Coldstone, Marble Slab, TCBY, etc have stores. There’s no drive-thru, and they give you your scoops at the front, and you’re good to go. They make the cones in-house, so it smells incredible in there. You need to go to one, it is better from a real B&J store than grocery store. </p>
<p>Honestly, the only ice cream that can hang with B&J is Hagen Daaz or Marble Slab’s Swiss Chocolate ice cream. Plus, Stephen Colbert has his own Ben & Jerry’s flavor…so yeah, it wins :D</p>
<p>Coldstone > all other ice cream places.</p>
<p>But their singing is annoying as ???</p>
<p>^I didn’t know Colbert had a flavor. What’s in it?</p>
<p>Any fast food restaurant has places to sit, too. Boston Market has to-go. I’ve had it taken home many times. Just no drive-thru.</p>
<p>I’m not sure if this is local or not, but we’ve got this place called Planet Wings and it has some awesome wings.</p>
<p>Long John Silver’s was decent as a kid, but their food is horrible. I mean I wasn’t a regular in kindergarten, but it was all too bad. Most seafood is horrible at fast food joints.</p>
<p>Boston Market is like take meals home, eat them here, or in your car (if you somehow manage). I can’t remember the last time I was there (way more than 5 years), so maybe it changed.</p>
<p>I think Bojangles destroys KFC & Pop Eyes. You must have better locations in Baltimore because ours has bad rep and whatnot. Do you have Bojangles, best chicken ‘n’ biscuits you can buy ;)</p>
<p>Oh Ok then yeah Boston Market would be fast food as long as its quick. Not all places with pick-up are fast food. (Outback for example.)</p>
<p>And I’m oretty sure I’ve had Planet Wings on vacation but have never heard about it around here. I think I had it in New Jersey.</p>
<p>Seriously, Ben & Jerry’s is actually better. You won’t know unless you go to the store. Coldstone is alright, ours is struggling in NC. B&J is higher quality IMHO.</p>
<p>I have no idea what Colbert’s flavor is, but I heard about it. Kinda want to try it.</p>
<p>^I have to look that up, now. I saw something about the Colbert Report when I visited their factory, but I didn’t know it had to do with a flavor. Hmm…</p>
<p>I like Coldstone, too. But Ben & Jerry’s has my favorite flavor. As long as they don’t get rid of it, I’ll be happy with them.</p>
<p>Nope. No Bojangles around Baltimore. Although I get their commercials all the time in ACC sports telecasts. lol Bojangles and Sonic seem to be the two places that just radnomly get cut off around the Richmond area. My southern friends tell me it is good but IDK. Seems kind of sketchy. I am very particular about what I eat normally. McD’s, Burger King, Wendy’s, and places like that are big no’s for me cause I’m too picky. But I don’t know I’ve never had Bojangles. I’ll try it next time I get a chance.</p>