Best graduate schools for marine science?

I’m going into my senior year of college this next semester and am planning on working for a year and then going onto graduate school. I will graduate with a B.S. in Resource Conservation and currently have a 3.67 GPA. I have yet to take the GRE but am planning on taking it soon.

The schools that I have researched so far that I am considering are the University of Georgia, Florida Atlantic University, University of South Carolina, Oregon State University, University of Southern Mississippi, University of Maryland, Stony Brook University, and Stanford.

Of these schools which would be the best for marine science and is there any others that I should consider?

Most programs require advanced chemistry, math, and physics which I have not taken but am trying to complete. Most of the programs that I’ve looked at didn’t have many prerequisites and the others I’m hoping I can be admitted and then make anything up before beginning graduate work. I’m already behind a year in undergrad and would prefer not to spend the money for another year.

Any thoughts? Thanks.