Best Math/Calculus Tutor

My son will attend the University of Alabama in the fall studying computer science. He’s very bright but has some focus issues and has intermittently struggled to follow his math teachers - ie understands some math teachers very well but lost with others. He had a 28 on his Math ACT score and needs a number of math classes for his major. Can anyone suggest an excellent math tutor at UA that we can set him up with to start him on a path to success?

Applied Tutoring in Tuscaloosa comes very highly recommended - rave reviews from the parents of engineering students who have used it.

There is free tutoring offered through the university (drop-in for certain classes - see mybama banner for times under Current Events, currently here:, and, more extensively, through the College of Engineering’s ENGenuity Lab here: Good luck!

@dodgersmom I noticed Applied Tutoring charges around $40/hr for one on one tutoring. Based on what you heard is that service worth the money?

I don’t know anything about the charges, nor do I have any personal experience with Applied Tutoring, but the parents on the UA Facebook forum whose students have used it have nothing but good things to say about it. There is tutoring available through the College of Engineering for pretty much everyone except the CS students (for whom it’s quite limited), so, for most students who need occasional help, that may be sufficient.

But for a student who’s struggling, or who knows ahead of time that they’re going to have difficulty in a certain subject, then I think Applied Tutoring can be a lifesaver. The student can have regularly scheduled meetings on campus, and even in his or her dorm, so it’s both reliable and convenient.

The ENGenuity Lab is a great resource for UA students offering a range of tutoring in subjects including math. It is located in Paty and you don’t have to be an engineering student to access the help.

I don’t have any knowledge of the tutoring but as far as the price of $40/hour from where I’m sitting it sounds like a good deal. I paid $30 a 1/2 hour for my high school Junior for Physics tutoring by one of the other high school teachers at his school this year. That’s the going rate for most subjects here… so $40 an hour sounds really good too me.

Well, hold on a sec - yes, paying for private tutoring is an option, but perhaps this student is eligible for services at no charge through the [Office of Disability Services (ODS)](

My understanding is that a variety of different support services are available, and if @momofcs’s son is able to provide documentation of a learning disability, he would be eligible. I’d encourage this family to reach out to ODS as soon as possible. Even if this student has not previously been diagnosed, there may still be time to get the necessary documentation. The cost savings for this family could be significant, and it could make a very real difference in this student’s educational experience at UA.