Best Places to Live Off but Close to Campus

I will be a junior, so I am looking into housing accommodations now. I would prefer to live in a relatively nicer apartment complex that’s super close to campus with a friendly atmosphere. I would love to get all your feedback because I am not from the area, and have no idea where to begin!

Check the campus area off campus housing guide on the UW website. Housing-private. You plug in your parameters and available listings come up.

In my experience students in apartments do not meet or socialize with random neighbors, as far as looking for a ‘friendly’ atmosphere.

Have you considered the transfer house?

My daughter has lived in both Grand Central and Lucky. Both on the pricier end, but they’ve been safe places to live and are located really close to many campus buildings. Lucky has the advantage of not having to go outside to go to the Student Activity Center, Health Center, Fresh Market, Walgreens and other businesses which is great in the winter.

They are both furnished, which is a plus, and have a few social events but mostly it’s typical apartment living where everyone has their own thing and don’t interact too much. That said, not sure what their availability is.

You might want to look at the Sublet FB page. Sometimes people have changes in their plans and need to sublet a previously leased room or apt.

@transfergirl1995 What is your monthly rent budget?

Apartments are a 12 month lease from August 16, 2015 to Aug 14 or 15, 2016 and dorms are for the academic year.

Thanks for all the great answers guys! My rent budget is like $1,200/month @Madison85

Would you recommend dorms or apartments for transfers @Madison85? I would be transferring to my sorority chapter at Wisconsin, so I have the social aspect there. However, I am worried about meeting people, but I just don’t want to live in a double in the dorms… but I know that if I am in a single in the dorms, I probably won’t venture out to meet anyone. At least I will have a roommate in the apartments I can hang out with and my own bedroom I can retreat to, which is a plus.

You can meet people by talking to them in your classes and joining activities. You also have your Greek life- which less than 10 % of the campus undergrads partake in, btw. Check with your sorority- that may determine where near campus you choose to live and they should help you.

@wis75 thank you!!! That’s true! Just can’t dorm it again for the 3rd year lol

If you know you will be in your sorority at UW, most Greek life takes place around Langdon St., where the houses are. There aren’t as many high rises in that area, more converted houses, but since I have a son, not a daughter in Greek life, I’m not sure where girls live around Langdon.

Is there an opening to live in your sorority house?

$1200/month budget is great. Probably at that rate, only the studios/1 bedrooms in the fancy new high rises are out of your price range.

@Madison85 Unfortunately I can’t live in the house because I have to re-affiliate with the chapter at wisconsin… so they have to vote me in as an active of their chapter and that can’t begin until once school starts. I think the spots would be all full anyways because you need to state you want to live in house a semester earlier and most girls want to, so I doubt I could even if I wanted to. I think I am going to lease an apartment with another girl who’s transferring in. We are looking at the Towers, Hub, Regent!

@Midwestmomofboys thank you for letting me know, but I think I want to live more in a high rise

The Towers and The Hub are closest to Langdon, The Regent is farthest from Langdon (of the ones mentioned). The Hub is brand new.

As above, the Regent will be on the opposite end of campus from the Greek houses of Langdon- inconvenient for you most likely. The areas found on the off campus housing guide will help.

As always, “best” means something different to each person.

Towers and Statesider are close enough to Langdon area, also there are a few buildings on Langdon which are more like high-rises. The OP’s budget will go a long way in Madison. As the OP is looking to connect with her UW chapter of her sorority, I would encourage her to look in the Langdon/State St area. Anyone recall what that octagon type apartment building on Langdon is called? At move in, it seemed to be a lot of sorority sisters moving in

Also, there is a UW housing board, on FB, which lists people needing sub letters, roommates. While right now, it is probably a lot of students trying to find someone to sublet their apartment for the summer, there could also be people looking for fall roommates.

@Madison85 @wis75 Oh I had no idea! That information actually really helps me! I think I would like to be closer to greek life and I was already looking into living at the Hub and Towers! Thank you guys a lot, it really helped!

I know you say that your sorority has to accept you, but I still think it would be worth it to contact them about living there because it’s possible someone who signed a year lease decided to do study abroad or move in with other friends, or transfer, or live with a boyfriend or wants out of her contact for other reasons.

@Madison85 I wish it were that easy lol, but I have to be affiliated first with their chapter before anything. There are certain procedures that need to be administered before even considering me for a spot in the house.