Best Political Science Profs

<p>Who are the best profs in the Political Science department? Best meaning that their classes are interesting and their grading is very fair.</p>

<p>I’m currently in James Stimson’s POLI 100 class on MW at 10:00 AM (if you’re interested about that part, haha). He wrote one of the required books for the class and is very knowledgeable on the subject. </p>

<p>There are quizzes to monitor attendance, but they do not count toward your final grade, which is comprised of your midterm grade, final exam grade, and recitation grade in equal parts. I’ve got a B or an A so far, and Stimson grades fairly. Not only is the class fairly easy, but Stimson is extremely approachable and lenient (if you put forth effort in his class) and you learn a lot about an interesting subject. He is one of the nicest professors I’ve had, so I would definitely consider him as an option.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>