<p>Hi ~
I am taking the following AP courses next year and was wondering which review book I should buy.
My school will supply textbooks but I still like having a Barrons or Princeton Review as well.</p>
<p>To those who took these tests this year, which review books did you buy for these:
AP Art History
AP English Literature
AP AB Calculus
AP Physics B</p>
<p>Thanks for the help ^^</p>
<p>oh and if you could provide a link to the amazon or barnes and nobles online link for the book, it’d be awesome ^^</p>
<p>For Art History, i am using REA’s because many people on here say its good, and i have read a few chapters and it sounds alright. But as for the rest… not too sure. We basically have the SAME SCHEDULE ! (but i am going to be a Senior and your probably some REALLY SMART gonna be sophomore or junior) Good luck. and email me if you have any other questions or just want to talk about our schedules. </p>
<p>(because im thinking of taking art history online and switching it with Computer Science during school).</p>
<p>@equilibrium awesome! thanks so much for the help :)</p>
<p>@kiheitown lol i wish xD Im going to be a senior too, hence the “94” in my name ^^
thanks for the help 
which courses did you take this year? i took only two AP’s >.> AP bio and AP Lang
good luck to you as well :)</p>