Best Snacks For Late Night Studying?

<p>Gatorade and nutty gradnola bars. Granola bars are my friends, well, except for that whole eating them thing. :)</p>

<p>Definitely water. Yea, something about that time of night makes me thirsty....</p>

<p>WATER, and yogurt bars. :)</p>

<p>sometimes cereal..</p>

<p>I also like those silly soy chips. :) MMMmmmmmm.</p>

<p>I like pieces of sliced ham, chocolate (even though I pretend to the world that I hate chocolate), and plain cereal. :P</p>

<p>I don't get why you guys eat chips at night...the thought...unappealing...</p>

<p>uhm... anything??</p>