Best University of Wisconsin Colleges? (As pathway to Madison)

Hi Guys! I am an international student planning to enter one of UWisc Colleges as preparation to Madison (through Guaranteed Transfer Program). Since I am international and knows few about the schools, I was wondering if you can provide some “insider” input on deciding which one is most suitable for me. Here are short bios of me:

(1) “Regular” high school student, just-above-average GPA (sigh).
(2) Planning for transfer. So schools with best academic quality/environment are preferable. (but if the competition is too tough I would worry about my GPA).
(3) Brought up in a micropolitan area. So schools that locates in “too-rural” areas would not fit me.

Thanks very much!

UW Milwaukee is in the largest city in Wisconsin and is very metropolitan but is also known to be a little dangerous. The academics are decent and it has a high except since rate.
Lacrosse is a good school and it you are into hiking or nature, it is surrounded by bluffs and gorgeous hiking trails.
Oshkosh may also be a good option to look into.
Lacrosse and Oshkosh are both smaller towns than Milwaukee or Madison.
If you don’t want to be in a rural environment avoid Platteville and Stevens Point.
Comment if you have any other questions! I have lots of friends who go to all 3 schools.

Except since rate? Lmao never heard that one before.

Wrote it on my phone… sorry autocorrect for acceptance.