Best way to visit?

Don’t know if D will get in but want to semi plan a visit. Accepted students weekend is too late in the game for us.

To clarify the above post… the website lists “explore” and “preview” days for accepted students but we can’t seem to get to the dates until/unless she is admitted. Does anyone know the dates and the differences between these programs? Planning just in case of good news.

One point, visiting this week is not reflective of what the school is like since USC students are on a Spring break. Any other time, when students are around, gives you a flavor of the campus with students.

@mamom24 Explore USC is mot comprehensive, but preview days focus more on the school admitted to.

Explore USC
Explore USC is the most extensive campus visit. These are day-long sessions that provide a structured, in-depth look at USC. You will meet current s USC students, hear about their experiences, tour the campus and the surrounding neighborhood, receive detailed information about your course of study, learn about student life, meet professors, and dine in a residential dining hall. The admitted student may attend free of charge and guests are charged. There are five Explore USC days in spring.

April 9

April 11

April 16

April 18

April 23

Preview USC
Preview is formatted much like Meet USC program. It is a half day program that begins with an admission session with an admission counselor and student intern. Students participate in a campus tour followed by a session with the academic department to which they’re admitted. Students hear about housing, campus life, and the transition to USC. Not sure if they are same dates for all schools within USC, but Viterbi Preview dates are:

Wednesday, April 10
Wednesday, April 17
Wednesday, April 24

Admitted Students Program
Think of this as the open house full-day event held on April 27th this year. Registration begins in the morning and sessions run from 10-4. You can choose the sessions that pertain to your questions. This open house provides students with the opportunity to tour the campus and surrounding neighborhood,* meet faculty and staff from the various departments, and get answers to USC questions. This is also the only program where you have an opportunity to tour the University’s residential facilities.

The bus tour of the neighborhood is great for those not familiar with area, but can eat a lot of time depending on how many buses they have running. Before getting in behind everyone else, ask the student working there what the wait is…you can spend more than an hour between waiting and riding and the day is only 6 hours long, so lots to see. Spend your time wisely!

@CADREAMIN Thank you so much. Do you have any idea when/if there are Preview days for Dornsife?

Ignore last one. Dornsife same as CADREAMIN posted for Viterbi for those who are curious.