Best ways to memorize a bunch of info in a short time?

<p>I have an APUSH chapter test tomorrow, and I seriously don't feel like reading the chapter right now.
So, does anyone know like a website or something where I can learn this stuff instead of reading it in the text book.
Or if there is no such website, then what is the best way to memorize a bunch of information in the shortest time? </p>

<p>Thanks for any help!</p>

<p>Most textbooks have an accompanying website. What textbook? eg. 12e American Pageant, Kennedy: [Kennedy</a> American Pageant 12e – ACE Practice Tests](<a href=“]Kennedy”>Kennedy American Pageant 12e -- ACE Practice Tests)</p>

<p>you have to make it matter to you. e.g. it’s easy to memorize the symptoms of cancer if your dad has it. or it’s easy to memorize facts about american politics if you do a lot of debating about it on the internet.</p>

<p>how you would do this by tomorrow, i have no idea.</p>

<p>Damn… I in no way am interested in this</p>

I have “Out of Many”</p>

<p>Roll the notes into a joint, and smoke it.</p>

<p>Get off CC.</p>

<p>ugh, i’m outlining ch. 25 now :stuck_out_tongue:
what’s your test on?
but yeah, gl.</p>

<p>I know it is slow, but I find this effective: read it, out-loud. It’s how I memorize lines for theatre, simple and effective.</p>

<p>Be very personal with what u want to remember</p>

<p>make it as personal and as emotive as your favorite song lyric or quote</p>


<p>[Giordano</a> Memorization System](<a href=“]Giordano”>
[School</a> of Phenomenal Memory](<a href=“]School”> [url=<a href=“]Testimonials[/url”>]Testimonials[/url</a>]</p>

<p>it works well, from what i’ve heard, but it does cost $300</p>

<p>tattoo it onto your brain… i can suggest some good tattoo parlors and neurosurgeons</p>

<p>I’m doing chapter 9 or 10 (Andrew Jackson and the Growth of Democracy)
In my school it’s two years of APUSH, that’s why we’re in that chapter.</p>

<p>BTW, I ended up reading the chapter, but it was sooooo boring, I got distracted by every little thing around me, and I ended up going to bed at 1:00. And the test was pretty easy (thank god)</p>

<p>glad everything worked out for u : )
yeah, it’s 2 years for us too, but i assume you’re in apush 1 then.</p>

<p>^Yeah I am. And thanks lol</p>