BFA at Molloy College/CAP 21

@MTMamoo Congrats and welcome to the Molloy/Cap21 family! Heard you have a big incoming class like this year! As @speezagmom said we are all awaiting information on the fall. Hoping to hear more specifics next week. If dorms are normal it would be easy for your D to be added to a triple with two other Cappies. But not sure if they will have triples this year. But I wouldn’t stress too much about roommates right now. Karl, director of Residence Life was making roommate changes into August last year. So I would hang tight and see what the options for housing will be before stressing about a roommate. I suspect your D is not the only one without a roommate and there may be others who just committed.

@MTMamoo - Welcome to the Molloy group! I sent you a message about roommates. My D will be at Molloy this Fall as well and committed on the later end. She’d like to live with Cap student as well but has also found that a lot of kids are paired up already. Maybe our Ds can talk :slight_smile:

Congratulations and Welcome to the Family @MTMamoo !!
It looks like most of your questions have been addressed, but I will just add a few thoughts based on my Ds experience. My D is also a rising junior. Regarding roommates - my D did not room with a Cappie her freshman year. Her roommate was a nursing major. It worked out fine, but I think if she had it to do over again, she may have chosen to room with other CAP kids… but like I said, it worked out just fine, so know that they can still have a positive experience even if they are roomed with a different major.
The schedule is definitely rigorous - but I don’t think it’s that different from many other conservatory programs based on conversations my D has had with friends in other programs… but it definitely keeps them VERY BUSY. The “gen ed” classes vary in difficulty, depending on the teacher really. But so far, my D has navigated it all just fine. :slight_smile:

It’s been so quiet out here for so long that I thought I’d drop a note in to see how things are going for everyone. @EastchesterMom how’s you’re D doing? How about @waitingforlife - I can’t remember if your D graduated or if she’s a senior. People with kids still in school - how is this fall online semester going?

S just moved back to NYC on a 3-month lease and could not be happier now that he’s back with his people. I so enjoyed having him home and hearing about what he was working on every week - and hearing him singing each new song. Will miss him now that he’s back in his element. Hope all are doing well!

@speezagmom It has been quiet, nice to hear from you. My D is a senior this year. She came back home in March and finished the semester here but went back to her apartment in July before Fall started. Even though everything was going to be remote she still wanted to get back to NY and be in her apartment with her roommates. Fall semester is pretty light for the Seniors since they pushed everything to the spring semester so she decided to take an unpaid internship with a PR company to get some experience in minor field. They are also doing a show at the Madison Theatre - following all the social distancing guidelines. Everything is being filmed to be released via streaming as a fundraiser. I don’t know exactly when. The next step is hoping they are able to do their shows at least in some way during the spring!

It’s been pretty quiet here on our front. I just feel really bad because these kids just graduated, and need to find work, unfortunately, there is none. My D moved home in May after her lease ran out, and is trying to find an apartment these last couple of months, but things have not fell into place. She cant get a job around here, because she knows that she may be moving back to NYC at any time. We love having her home, but we also want her out living her own life, finding her own work in the field that she loves and has trained so hard to get to. I do really love how her and her classmates are still communicating constantly. They are either playing online games, having Sunday Brunch, or just large group facetimes to talk with each other. They built special relationships over the past 4 years, and are excited to see each other hit the work force and be successful. I really hope things open up soon!!!

@mtandsbdad I can’t imagine how hard it is for the 2020 grads. Hard for everyone, but particularly those that are brand new to the “adult” world of needing to get into the workforce.

It sure has been quiet… glad to hear that your kiddos are dealing well with the complete destruction of their lives. D (ok, Jen Brett; most CCers have known who she is for years) came home from the Celebrity Apex on April 5. She and everyone else in the cruise industry lost their jobs. Her ship never left the shipyard on its maiden voyage. She came back from France with COVID-19. Thank god it was mild; she lost her senses of taste and smell. They have returned for the most part. In June, she left for England to visit her BF (a guitarist on the Apex) and did not waste her time; she and the BF released a single. It’s called “Firestorm,” and it’s on iTunes, Spotify, etc. She finally came home a few weeks ago. Yesterday, Celebrity called her back to work! The ship is en route from France to Miami and will do the Caribbean runs this winter. I can’t believe it, but she’s going back on October 18! I’m so worried that she’ll get sick, but she wants to work, and is so happy to resume her career and life. Of course, things could change again tomorrow… we won’t really believe it until the plane ticket is in her hands.

Just saw on Facebook that CAP21 is requiring prescreens this season! Don’t know if this is strictly because of their popularity now or if Covid-19 and virtual auditions played into that decision.

My D isn’t loving virtual classes, but is excited to get to return this Spring. On the plus side since she is home she has been able to perform in one live musical, one virtual sketch comedy show, and is now stage managing a Christmas play that is in rehearsals. I will definitely miss the singing when she returns to school.

@EastchesterMom glad that Jen is able to get back to work and got through Covid-10 okay. It is a hard time for artists right now and my heart goes out to them. I have enjoyed the creativity that has grown from necessity during this time! Just wish Broadway could safely reopen and things could get moving again, but sounds like that may not happen until 2022 from the chatter my professional friends have shared. Stay safe and healthy everyone!

@MTSongbirdMom - sounds like your D is using her time quite well… congratulations! The the prescreens, I bet it’s a little of both. The program is wildly popular (as well it should be). I’m thinking that there will be no live auditions at all this year; the prescreen will make or break you. Poor kids! I wonder if applications will be down this year due to the lack of work in the industry.

@EastchesterMom It did say that there would be no in person auditions for CAP21, but that the virtual audition would be “live”. So it will still be a 2 step process. This year is going to be very different for applicants to all MT programs. I wish them all the best!

Hello Cappie folks! It’s been very quiet on here as of late. How is everyone holding up? How are your Cappie’s doing this semester? Those who have had their Cappies graduate, how are they doing? Are they finding any work? I know I’m ready for this pandemic to end, to restore health, for spring and warmer weather and to be able to see live theatre again!!

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Anxiously awaiting BFA MT decision! Got a response to the thank you which is always nice. The head of the department is truly phenomenal. Don’t know how she does so much!


@JavaJo S is thrilled to be back in NYC of course -as I’m sure your D is as well! Can’t wait to see their song and dance project recording.

@ModerndayMomager I remember well the waiting. I believe they notified on March 1st last year. I know this year is completely different in so many ways, but hopefully you’ll have some news in just a couple of weeks. All the cappie parents that frequent this board are happy to answer any questions you have. My kid (junior) loves the program.


@speezagmom - glad to hear your S is doing well! My D is happy to be back in NY but I have to say is struggling a bit - all that has been going on in the world, the pandemic, jumping back into such a rigorous schedule, all the snow days (which become zoom days since zoom has forever ruined snow days for us all!) and the hybrid learning has been a bit overwhelming. She is surviving. Definitely continuing to learn and grow though! Their section of the Song and Dance project has been a little challenging with all the snow days and having to learn so much on zoom, but hoping for a good end product :wink:

@ModerndayMomager - crossing fingers for you! I remember how hard the waiting was! Hang in there! The right path will become apparent!


Thank you! And @JavaJo too.

Mostly hanging in there. Only one more callback left— so now it’s feeling almost out of our hands it a little easier to let go and see what happens.
… But depends on the day :wink:


It is a roller coaster ride for sure!
Sending positive vibes, and like @speezagmom said, let us know if you have any questions!

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My daughter has a walk-in audition today. It’s been interesting to watch how her priorities have changed throughout this process. Molloy/CAP 21 checks off so many boxes of what she has now realized she is looking for in a program. I am so thankful that they added some walk-ins! Fingers crossed and knocking on wood for this (last) audition!


@aspiringMT - BAL to your D! And let us know if you have any questions!

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Saying hello! My D auditioned 2/11 and is anxiously awaiting decisions. We did not find out about Molloy until later in the process, but it is one that she is very interested in now. It seems like it has some very unique things to offer that would suit my D really well. I’ve also been impressed with all of the videos we’ve watched from there of the CAP21 students. Looking forward to an info session tonight about the program, and fingers crossed for good news sometime soon.