BFA at Molloy College/CAP 21

For D,
Just to triple-double-dog-check, given that the line from the Molloy portal is this:
“I am pleased to inform you that your application for admission into the Freshman Class Fall 2021 in the area of Theatre Arts (BFA) has been approved.”
The words “Cap21” aren’t included in the acceptance letter, so juuuuuuuuuussst making sure there’s no difference…

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@namenotusedyet : well - we crossed in the interwebs - I just linked this thread in a comment to you on the venting thread :wink:

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Saw that. Sorry, a little crazed right now…Needed this first one in our house for some sanity.


I had the same thought when reading it, expecting it to say MT somewhere.

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@starbuck71 Definitely have your D let Rebecca know she’s excited about the waitlist and to keep following up. There’s usually movement and I think showing continued interest helps!

Congratulations to your D @namenotusedyet !


I know this may be difficult to cover here, but wanted to give it a shot. D also received a scholarship letter: “The Molloy College Scholarship Committee is pleased to inform you of your selection as a recipient of a Molloy Scholar full-tuition scholarship beginning the academic year Fall 2021.”

I saw some discussion above, but can anyone explain, at least generally, what the Molloy Scholar covers for a Cap 21 student? What might we be able to expect?


@namenotusedyet I am not familiar with that as a scholarship. My D got a Presidential Dominican Scholarship and a couple of other small ones that just about covered regular tuition. It didn’t cover the $3000 a semester studio fee or housing. I would reach out and ask Rebecca for clarification of what that entails. I am not sure if that is new or just didn’t know about that scholarship before. Congrats!

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Thanks so much. On their website it refers to it as a “full tuition scholarship for entering full-time freshmen,” so just trying to get a handle on that or if anyone has experience with it. We’ve been fortunate that D has excelled in high school (and picked up a 35 on the ACT before all testing shut down last year).
Great thanks to everyone. We’re excited here.

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Just a guess but I bet it likely doesn’t cover the CAP21 studio fee. But you can definitely verify. it is nice that worded that way it will probably increase as tuition does where my D’s is a set fee for all four years.

Let us know if you have any other questions as you move forward. Sorry I don’t have a solid answer on that. And congrats again!

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Anyone know how big the waitlist at Molloy is or how many they originally accept?

My S was accepted to Molloy today and is very excited! His strength is dance and this program does not seem to be as dance heavy as others he has looked at. Are there plenty of dance opportunities for a strong dancer?


At last yrs admitted students zoom info session, Rebecca basically said you will dance your butt off regardless of level. They do level based on skillset. D finds the dance (her weakest of the three but still a very good mover who picks up choreography quickly) very strong and plenty of it. I imagine they will have a similar info session. Ask about that specifically. They are very open to your questions.

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@Footloosefan There are 2-3 dance classes per semester with the exception of one semester freshmen year where I think they only had one, and as @rickle1 said, they are leveled - typically 3 levels. As a Freshman, that means you’re dancing twice per week. In later years 3 times per week in class and likely more in rehearsals. This is definitely less than say - a Baldwin Wallace where you have ballet boot camp every morning at 7am in addition to your actual dance classes. Additionally, there isn’t an opportunity to take extra dance at Molloy/CAP21 because the studio class schedule is so packed. I know some of the parents that have students that have graduated have marveled at the change in skill in their kid. Additionally, If your kid doesn’t think they’re getting enough dance, they can do drop in dance classes at broadway dance center and other studios around the city. There’s also a dance studio in Rockville Center though I’m not familiar with it other than that I know it’s there.


Hi @mojorun22 - My numbers are quite old as this was 2018 audition season - from that season, Rebecca told me they had auditioned 1200. (This included walk-ins and special events) They accepted a total of 90 to yield the 2018/2019 freshman class that started at 36, if I remember right. That said - they didn’t do a waitlist that year. It was super painful for the people that were technically on a waitlist because they just didn’t hear anything from the school until the school knew it was a yes or a no - so they just kind of hung out waiting with no news. Basically, they said yes/no to their first group and then waited to get responses before saying yes to the next group, etc. So that 90 would have included the people that were technically waitlisted but never told that. Thankfully, they changed that process the next year. I wonder if anyone has more current numbers?

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@Footloosefan They do have a Saturday dance elective. I think you have to be a sophomore through senior and would have to have some credits in place to fit it in your schedule. But as @speezagmom relayed there is plenty of dance and James kicks even the advanced dancers butts (in a good way). And lots supplement with drop in dance at Broadway Dance Center although it is virtual currently. My D is taking an advanced adult ballet class at a studio in Mineola on the weekends to get in more sin person time and is really enjoying that.

@mojorun22 The only thing I can add to what was said about numbers is that I have heard that they are making less initial offers this year because they had more accept than they had planned on last year. That said the last two years have ended up with 48 initially in their admitted class which dropped slightly before enrollment. A fair number from both 2023 and 2024 were from the waitlist including my D.


Thanks for the info! My son also does ballet and would love to continue that. Do you recall if the Broadway Dance drop in classes were expensive? Are there any dance classes on campus at Molloy? Otherwise it sounds like he is limited to dancing two days a week which is less than he is doing now. Also, any opinions on whether a car is needed? We are from out of state and I’m not sure if he will need a car to get around or it would just be a hassle due to parking issues, etc.

@Footloosefan Broadway Dance Center I believe was $25 for drop ins, but right now they are only virtual for $15. There are no dance classes on main campus that I am aware of. Yes first year they are limited to the dance the two two days a week in Manhattan. After that it increases as studio days increase and if they elect to take the Saturday dance elective. But I will say they are very busy freshman year so it is hard to fit anything else in besides the weekends. But it is definitely something to consider. I would imagine there is or will be an accepted students facebook group and your son could directly talk with some that are used to heavy dance schedules.

Most students do not have cars. Officially freshman on campus are not allowed to (although some got permission). I don’t think a car is necessary because they can use a combination of campus shuttles, LIRR, Subway, walking and ubers to get just about anywhere. And there is a bus stop just outside of campus as well. But you do need to budget for the public transportation. There is also the option to friend the local or nearby kids who do have their cars. My D prefers the public transportation route.

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We’ve had a good couple of days in our house since D got her acceptance to Molloy on Tuesday. (She’s since picked up another acceptance and rejection this week.) But while she knew she was interested in Cap 21 for a while, she’s really heating up on it as she’s able to dive deeper into research. That’s a very exciting place to be. She got a nice reply from Rebecca following her thank-you note, and it felt truly genuine and sincere, which put D in a great place as well.

Considering our mood as recently as Monday, what a great change in mental scenery. Hopeful for others out there, and, we’re also hopeful for any possibility for a campus visit to Molly.


@namenotusedyet Well the governor announced his lifting of the travel quarantine effective April 1 today! So that should hopefully help from the visitation standpoint. And I can assure you that Rebecca is very genuine! I am glad she is excited.

Also if you haven’t joined already there is a parents of accepted/waitlisted students group started last night on Facebook where you can gain some further insight from a parent perspective.


Thanks. We have joined the FB group, so appreciate that. And good news about the travel status. That’s promising for us to visit.