BFA at Molloy College/CAP 21

@speezagmom Man waiting on snail mail would be rough especially since mail from Molloy to our town seems to take FOREVER! I had forgotten it used to be done that way. Thankful by two years ago they had moved to email notification.

BAL to everyone waiting on results. And remember with CAP21 if you get a waitlist let Rebecca know it is a top choice and keep checking in. I think that they like to go with kids that are excited about Molloy/CAP21 and will accept if offered.


@MTSongbirdMom - yes, I think it was because the snail mail process was so cumbersome and inefficient 3 years ago when my D and @speezagmom 's S were going through this that they switched to email!! :smiley: I remember how I kept seeing folks here on CC say that they got their letters in the mail to Molloy and we still hadn’t heard anything way past April 1st
 my D finally emailed Rebecca on April 7th asking if she would be receiving a decision soon and Rebecca replied almost immediately saying she was so sorry, the mail had been “abysmal” that year, and then said “Congratulations, you have been accepted!” We all sat down on the kitchen floor and cried! I remember the date because it was the day of my Ds senior prom :wink:

So so glad they have moved to a more efficient system now!! BAL to all of you who are in this waiting game! I know the waiting can be excruciating!! Sending virtual hugs to you all!

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@JavaJo That is a great memory! Things work out the way they are supposed to!

Unfortunately the mail from Molloy hasn’t gotten any better. They mailed bills in December and we got ours the first week of February! Thank goodness everything is accessible online now!

Btdt parents, curious how the merit/aid is there for top students? Do they stack talent $? I also read about an extra $6000 for travel back and forth between campuses 
 would love your insights !


Not sure if this is “stacking” scholarships but D received three separate ones. The largest one is an academic scholarship and then two smaller ones. I think one mentioned talent but I don’t recall. There is an additional 6k per yr studio fee for the CAP21 program so add that on to tuition in your cost analysis. You’ll also want to factor in transportation to the city. And then the biggest unknown will be actual housing cost when the kids move off campus (maybe as early as sophomore yr but certainly by Junior yr).

We’re a “full pay” family, but after scholarships and the fact that Molloy is less expensive than some other school, we pay about half of what my other kid’s college cost. That was actually a big consideration as D was also accepted at NYU (for local comparison), but even after an artistic scholarship, NYU was twice the cost. Hard to compare the studio approach to the MT program at CAP21, but CAP21 used to be the MT program at NYU so I imagine the quality is certainly as good.


I’ll second what @rickle1 said. My son received really strong merit scholarships and he had a good GPA and strong test scores, but he wasn’t a 4.0. Additionally, he was given the opportunity to apply for a community service scholarship which he was awarded. If you have another child in a parochial school and you give them a letter from the school confirming enrollment, they’ll give you a $1K grant - renewable each year. (wish I’d figured that out immediately - we only realized that was available for this year and his senior year) Because the the merit was so good, it was workable - the only school he had on the list that was much cheaper was an in-state safety school. LIU post was a close match for merit - and came back and offered more after he turned them down. However, there is no way he would have gone there after his visits so we never even talked about the couple grand difference.

I remember getting the estimated costs and being confused. They add dollars into the estimated cost of attendance that are not paid to the school. If I remember right, they added in something like $6K in “estimated costs” for “other stuff”. When you’re figuring out the costs, read that thing closely and make sure all the costs on there actually apply to you and that you aren’t duplicating costs when you’re thinking about your travel home for breaks, etc.

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I will add to what was said above that it seems you can stack scholarships up to tuition. My D had a bunch of outside scholarships for freshman year and they didn’t reduce her aid from the school at all. They did however lose her community service scholarship application and didn’t have money left when it was realized. Grrrr. They have had some LIRR ticket rebates as well although those have been semester by semester and not guaranteed. But I agree with@speezagmom estimated costs seem to be higher than actual. It was our D’s cheapest option. And they accepted every single dual credit and AP that my daughter submitted albeit quite a few just counted as elective credits. That didn’t really reduce costs as Molloy charges one price for up to 16 credits. However it did free up room for her to pursue her minor and she doesn’t have to take a full load every semester to finish.


Thank you! I’m also really curious about the LIU visit. My son has also been accepted there with a presidential scholarship so it’s been up the list too. Any info appreciated and feel free to message me if you’d rather.

Molloy just posted on Facebook that decisions for all complete applications would be released this week. Watch your portals. I didn’t even know Molloy had portals. Coming up in the world! Break a leg everyone waiting!


From an email from Rebecca yesterday, it looks like decisions for Molloy/CAP 21 will be in the portal this afternoon!


Oooooo - so exciting! Crossing fingers for you all!! :smiley:


Fingers Crossed! Can’t wait to hear the news.


Fingers crossed - hope you all get good news!

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Waitlisted at Molloy. :confused:


@starbuck71 - at least it’s not a no! I know in years past there has been a lot of movement on the waitlist, so there is still hope!!


DS got into Molloy!


Congratulations to your son!


Waitlist here too (not priority, not sure if they’re doing that this year so trying not to read into this). She LOVES this school, so I’m thrilled it’s not a no but really hoping that she ultimately gets a yes!


Congrats on the acceptance @ModerndayMomager! @starbuck71 and @aspiringMT, I’ll echo javajo. Past years have seen a lot of waitlist movement so we’ll keep our fingers crossed that you get good news in the near future.


Congratulations @ModerndayMomager and @aspiringMT ! So exciting! :smiley: