bfa theatre acting help!!!!

<p>miami university theatre handbook states:
LONG-TERM NON-DEPARTMENTALWORK. BFA and BM Conservatory students may not accept outside work or activities (theatre related or not) that will conflict with classes, rehearsals or performances. Any requests to work outside the department must be submitted in writing through the student's mentor and be approved by the Director of the appropriate Division in conjunction with the Division faculty. Failure to comply may result in disciplinary action and possible dismissal from the program.
BFA/BM Conservatory students who must maintain a non-theatre part-time job on a long-term or ongoing basis to meet financial obligations must also secure written faculty mentor consent. Failure to comply may result in disciplinary action and possible dismissal from the program.
Students who are employed in part-time work study or outside jobs are expected to fulfill the same academic and production requirements as all other theatre students. It is the responsibility of students so employed to find out production schedules and academic assignments at the beginning of each semester and then reschedule employment hours to avoid conflicts, not vice versa." i was planning to work part time and maybe possibly do some modeling while i was in miam. how stict are they about letting students participate in such activities. are other schools like that? any info on their program would help</p>