BGO Question

<p>I know that the BGO plays an important roll in Academy addmissions & that it's a good idea to get to know them before you start to apply (i'm a soon to be junior now). However... where/ how do I find who my BGO is and what their contact informaton is? I remember there being a listing in this Academy book our guidance office had, but (of course!) I forgot to write the info. down!!(And I went back the next day & the book was gone! Grr!!) So, is that listing somewhere out there on the internet? And maybe just maybe somebody happens to know where?<br>
Thanks for any info!</p>

<p>Here's a list of the state coordinators, who should be able to give you the contact information for the local BGO.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Thank you!! Will look at it tomorrow!</p>