Big merit NMF/NMSF schools and their specialties

Why can’t he apply both ?

One is enormous population wise. The other just big. Both are reachable to the nearby downtowns. I personally think UCF is nicer but others may feel otherwise.

USF is a tougher admit I think but UCF seems to be making a national name.

But again - why not apply both and visit ?

Thank you!! Yes, he probably will end up applying to both. So, UCF takes only 40 NMF… how many does USF take? I feel like I’ve read that at some point but can’t seem to locate that info.

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USF’s website says that they have not yet determined what the OOS details and package (if any) will be. I think it was the same last year; basically USF had not yet determined how much money they would have for OOS NMFs and said “keep checking back” and then announced maybe in late October that they were continuing the program for OOS. I have heard that their National Merit coordinator is really responsive to questions and that it is OK to email or call her directly. Her name is listed at the bottom of this linked page: National Merit Scholarship Program at USF | University of South Florida

p.s. if any USF National Merit students or parents want to leave a detailed review about USF, I would really appreciate it because it is one of the Big Merit NMF schools this thread is still missing. (Even if you just toured it as a prospective NMS student, I would appreciate any details.) Thanks in advance!

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Have you considered FSU ? Or the best deals - Alabama with 5 years of tuition, four years of housing and $3500 per year in money.

Here is FSU

Out-of-State Resident

This prestigious scholarship is available to National Merit Finalists graduating with a standard high school diploma and who are awarded a National Merit, Corporate National Merit, or College-sponsored National Merit Scholarship. If you are a National Merit Finalist, you must list FSU as your first-choice institution by May 1.

Florida State University’s Out-of-State National Merit Award scholarship package has a total value of approximately $75,776distributed across four years. It includes a 100 percent out-of-state tuition waiver, a $16,000 Vires scholarship, and a $2000 NMSC stipend (if college sponsored). This scholarship guarantees admission into FSU’s distinguished University Honors Program once National Merit Finalist standing has been confirmed. In addition, all National Merit Finalists who apply to the Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP) during the first year, which connects high-achieving students with distinguished research mentors to work as research assistants, will be guaranteed admission to UROP.


UCF only give 40s NMF scholarships to OOS students. Instate students get a full ride+ from a state scholarship program so there are a lot more the 40 NMF (per year) at the school. UCF guarantees those 40 scholarships but could accept more NMF than that, and could give them other scholarships to attend, but the 40 are of course going to get the most. I believe they also re-award, so if any of the first 40 decide on another school that 41st person would get the scholarship.

I see the biggest different in USF and UCF being location. I’m not a big fan of Orlando so, for me, USF would be the choice to be near the water and out of Orlando.

Have you visited USF? It’s not exactly near the water and it’s not a nice part of town imo. Unless you’re considering the St Pete or Sarasota campus

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Or you want to go to Busch Gardens :slight_smile:

Yes, very close to Busch Gardens, but there’s only so many times you can go there. Mine got tired of it quickly. I’d say both USF Tampa and UCF are similar driving times to the beach. The distance may be shorter but the roads are slow.

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I was teasing. I always stay there - cheaper hotel rates that work can afford vs other parts. I walk USF in the AM b4 starting the day. I agree with u. I was just adding a smart aleck remark.

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We like the UCF campus and area much better. But USF is supposed to be good for medical fields, so that might be better for your son.

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Thank you everyone for the comments and feedback; we appreciate them. He is applying to Alabama, UTD and probably both UCF and USF. He is also considering FSU as they are very generous to NMF.


if at all possible, go to a scholars day event in person at UTD to get true feel for the school. It was a great fit for my boys but it’s a unique/nerdy school that might not be a fit for everyone

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UCF NMF Scholarship info.

Note change from 40 OOS scholarships available to 30 OOS scholarships. I believe they are awarded based on the date of acceptance/deposit and listing UCF as your first choice with NMSC. They start doing pulls once NM finalists are announced I believe. As always, contact the admissions person for the most accuracy:)


UCF is giving 30 NMF scholarships to OOS this year, not 40. It was a recent change.

If your son is serious about medical/dental school then I would look into USF’s guaranteed interview programs for both MD and DO.
The school administratively is a bit of a $hit-show. Also, housing off campus can be pretty expensive. My son was admitted but we decided it was not for him.

Great info to have. Thanks! It is a turn off when school are lacking in organization.

Thanks! More and more schools seem to be scaling back.

IS USF guaranteed? Is it not every one who got in to honors programs will be admitted and only during the interview they will get rejected?

Look at the website. I don’t remember exacts. They have an early assurance program too.

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My son is NMSF at WSU. Large school in a small town. All subjects offered, most through grad programs. Tuition covered for NMSF but fees, books, and room board out of pocket.

WSU is one of the better choices for NMSF who miss the NMF cut.