Big News From Harry and Meghan - Royal Family Stepping Back

The Murdoch touch. I wonder what the News of the World would have made of this if it was still around.

I love to rib my son that Rupert is an old member of his Oxford college.

Possibly because none of the other non-title great-grandchildren are descended from the future king. Harry’s chldren are closer in line to William’s than the other second cousins. Not direct, like W’s, but more direct than the rest of the Great-g’s.

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I may be mistaken, but the Sussexes stated at the time of his birth, they did not want titles for their son; he was to be know at Master Archie. In fact, I believe at birth, by virtue of his father’s dukedom, he would have been born an Earl. As for them not having the customary photo call with the newborn, it’s ridiculous for her to rewrite that piece of mystery! Eight hours after the baby was born and home at Frogmore, it was announced Megan had gone into labor!


She said last night that it was not true that they didn’t want Archie to be a Prince. That was was a lie by the Palace because they weren’t going to give it to him. They absolutely wanted it, because then he would have protection.

Yes, it’s that stiff upper lip attitude. I think you are spot on highlighting the cultural differences as part of the problem. I say that having lived in the U.K. for twelve years, and living in the US for two decades now. I can see also a divide in public opinion. There are many Brits who are not all too happy about Megan airing the dirty laundry in front of the world, especially as an outsider.


I disagree with so many of you and want to note how many of the comments put this all on Meghan when she’s married to a grown-ass man who can make his own decisions. Definitely an undertone of Meghan is the bad guy, manipulatively pulling all the strings.

And they said that the color of the child was discussed multiple times so some of those conversations may have happened before they were married and some while she was pregnant.


I read that someone inside the government decides who gets security. Not the family.

There were so many inconsistencies and evasions that many of the claims fall apart.

To bring all this on an old woman for no purpose other than self serving victimhood is unconscionable.


They say they weren’t paid for this interview but it is clearly generating big bucks for someone. If they really felt the need to do an interview, I’m surprised they didn’t do one that would benefit a charity in exchange for an interview. Did I miss something? Is there a charity that will benefit from this interview?

I think the point is that there is the direct line of succession, and then everyone else ( reputedly referred to as"fringe royals"), and that divide is key. A decade ago, British taxpayers were rightly outraged they were spending 100 million pounds annually on security for 21 royals, and cuts were made, in part, to address that outrage. These people are all fabulously wealthy and can hire their own bodyguards.

I blame Harry for the interview as much as Meghan, since it is his own family he smeared. At least he was on less time


Both Harry and Meghan were crystal clear that the Queen had displayed support; they were not disparaging her.


He would have carried the courtesy title of Earl of Dumbarton. Harry holds the substantitve title of the Earl of Dumbarton.

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They weren’t disparaging her. They knew better than that . But, the airing of this at a time when she is 94 years old and dealing with her 99 year old lifelong partner being in the hospital surely is causing stress .

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Harry’s a whimp. If there were no Meghan, he’d still be living on the grounds, hanging out with William and Kate. He wouldn’t have left on his own as he had no reason to have left.

NOT saying it is all Meghan’s fault. He should have warned her, he should have had her talk to Fergie and others who have really come from a different lifestyle (Edward’s wife, the wife of Anne’s son who just recently split from him - I think one or both were Canadian). Meghan wasn’t stupid or naive. She has a degree from Northwestern. She was married before. She know the press.

Harry’s a whimp. He knew the difference between being protected physically and being protected from what the press prints. No one promised to protect them from the press except physically. He had his stupid deeds printed time and time again (remember the Nazi halloween costume?) The Washington press also has a special room in the White House , but that doesn’t mean they won’t print mean things about the president or other WH people. They do avoid the kids, and I think the British trash press avoids the kids too.

They both seem to have expected to be supported at public expense ( and paternal contribution) without taking on the commensurate public duties required of them. It appears both the crown and the British government have cut way back on that sort of thing.


Ok, this thread got me to watch it. Their talk about the firm saying that, “this is how it is, this is how it’s always been, we’ve been through it, the pressure etc.”

It makes me think of doctors and the old guard who suffered through 120+ hour residencies wondering why the new guys were such wimps with the limit of 80 hours. The old, “I suffered and survived, why are you such a snowflake” theme combined with the British stiff upper lip does not bode well for change, the firm may not see a reason for, or possibility of change, and yet, there is obviously a destructive vibe. Of course, it’s only obvious if these stories are true, if the stories on The Crown are true.

But it definitely evoked that, “I’ve suffered, why shouldn’t you” feeling. The outsiders can see the forest for the trees and can see that it doesn’t have to be this way, that this life is not normal, or good.


They mentioned Archewell at least a couple of times. I’m sure some of this is to draw attention to their charity.

I am stunned and horrified at most of the nasty, vicious comments on this thread attacking M Markle following the interview with her and prince Harry. She’s obviously lying because she’s an “actress”? She’s a calculating schemer? Just wow. Are there a lot of Faux News correspondents on this board?

What I saw was a young couple who’ve been through hell, an expectant mother who did her best to fit into an institution which has been destroying anyone who doesn’t become a cog in their corrupt and outdated machine. Because they certainly aren’t a family in the sense of people who care for and support one another, they are all there to serve “the Firm”.
Denying the vicious racism of the British tabloids is simply disingenuous. So much outrage directed at a woman of color while no one cares about the antics of “Randy Andy”, close personal friend of J Epstein, who spent a lot of time with young women who have been trafficked but refuses to cooperate with the FBI.

I’ve read a lot of disappointing posts over the years on CC but to see the misogyny directed at Meghan Markle here, mostly from other woman is really heartbreaking. Call me naive but I believed every word she said. I’m sure you all would be just fine being the target of constant attacks and death threats, but I think it’s perfectly reasonable for her to defend herself and her children against the barrage of character assassination from both the media and the royal family. Would you be happier if she had actually harmed herself? Or was she lying about that too?


Agree 100%

Shocked by what some have written here.


Since Meghan and Harry arrived in America has anyone threatened or harassed them? Most Americans could care less about them. They are media obsessed in a bi-polar sort of way: privacy please but look at me, look at me. In reality they’re nothing special or important. Princesses Eugenie and Beatrice for example, they go about their lives. Prince Edward and his wife same thing. No whining, no complaining. What exactly did Meghan expect when she agreed to marry into the royal family? I read she admitted friends warned her about the British tabloids and she blew them off. She was going to be a princess. The royal family is under constant scrutiny. Harry was fortunate that the press was lenient with him for many years. Maybe in deference to Diana. Then he shows up with a wife that by many accounts was as one says, high maintenance. Yes it’s difficult to appreciate the rules and etiquette of the royal family if you’re not born into it. Maybe part of the blame lies with Harry for not preparing her better. But Meghan arrived and expected to play opinionated activist right out of the box. A little humility and finesse would have gone a long way.

And airing your personal dirty laundry is petty and classless.


If they don’t want people talking about them, good or bad, don’t on on Oprah. If you want a private life, keep it private.