Bike Storage

<p>Can we store bikes in our dorms? I’ll be residing in RCS-North Tower and keeping my bike outside 24/7 sounds like a good way to wear it out and increase the chance of its theft.
And yes, I know there are bike racks all over campus.</p>

<p>Yes … and someone mentioned a bike room in RCS. My DS is in RCE and has a closet outside his room that he is storing his in.</p>

<p>^^^ Please, just remember that the outside hallway storage closet is meant to be shared by all the roommates together, unless he is in a single. Though usually singles do not get a storage closet. However, there might be room to store his bike in his own bedroom, perhaps under the bed if it is lofted high.</p>

<p>One of my roommates used to store her bike right behind the couch in our RCS-South living room, as we never frequented the area anyway. I keep mine in my bedroom over breaks, but leave it outside otherwise. Theft is not a common thing at all if you lock your bike; however, I hear there is a bike room in north tower if you are worried about it. I have never used it, so you might ask an RA of its whereabouts.</p>