Binge watched tv shows

I’m halfway through season 2 of Making a Murderer. Such a sad, disturbing and infuriating story.

I’ve started All American. On paper, it sounds like these CW shows you could watch while doing HW. It’s well done, the actors are good. But I just can’t get into it. It feels like I’ve seen it before. Does it get more interesting after episode 2?

In case anyone habst started it yet, binge watch The Good Place. 4 people, 1, errm, host/chief social officer… (It’s really hard to explain but very easy to watch. And it’s hilarious but in an original, unexpected way).

Also, Outlander is Baaaaccck!!!

Homecoming (Amazon Prime) with Julia Roberts – not a romcom, btw – is worth checking out. I’d say it’s two episodes too long, but a well produced/directed psychological thriller/mystery.

HOC jumped the shark with the clumsy threesome implication ( tv style cunnilingus was OK to shoot but not that ?), but KS was genius with the wink to the audience and an amazing actor. Claire needed a much stronger actor to become so dark. I don’t even know if she is dark in this season. The multiple abortions which I never did understand, just seemed to imply she was a victim.

Thanks for the recommendations for Bodyguard. H and I watched it on Saturday night - we were going to stop at 3 episodes and pick it up later, but we were hooked! So ended up watching it completely until 2 in the morning.

I am LOVING this last season of HoC, the rich subtext and suspense. I also find a key message in there about women, how we interact, trust or not, undercut or not, and how men assume. I think it’s brilliant.

“Bodyguard”. Yes!! Two thumbs up.

I had a big discussion with my daughter about the Netflix Riverside-style reboot of Sabrina (as in, . . . the Teenage Witch, not Audrey Hepburn). I had watched a couple of episodes and found them silly and boring, albeit very nice to look at. She – who has high standards, and is about as snobby a lover of shows involving plucky high-school girls with superpowers as it is possible to be – told me that once she got past the first 3-4 episodes and their overwrought plot (Will she or won’t she pledge fealty to the Dark Lord on her 16th birthday? And what if she doesn’t?), the show got a lot better and more fun. I watched episode 5 and wasn’t fully convinced, but it was more or less up to the level of a mediocre Buffy The Vampire Slayer episode. That’s not faint praise.

I didn’t realize which season of House of Cards I was referring to when I said that it was hugely disappointing – I meant the one most recent one that Kevin Spacey’s character was written out of, whichever season that is. Without the Frank Underwood character, there is no show.

Without Frank, imo, the focus changes. I’m only at ep 5 or 6, but think a close watch is fascinating. I’ve read no reviews but am reacting to the theme of women. Claire, Jane, Antoinette, Cathy, and the lesser women. How the men misread them, try to take the reins, etc.

Just finished watching The Killing on Netflix. It’s a homicide detective series in Seattle. It starts with the investigation of the murder of a teen that turns out to be much more than it appears. It’s not your typical detective series.

We just realized that Season 6 of House of Cards is available—we were going to watch, then realized we couldn’t remember how Season 5 ended, so we decided to go back and watch the last two episodes of Season 5. I saw Robin Wright being interviewed by Chris Matthews (MSNBC) at a film festival a few years ago and think she’s great.

Love the Good Place. Finally got D (theology phd student) to watch. So funny and she’s taking a Kant class now so really funny. Now she knows what I mean when I tell her not to be a Chidi.

One episode of Bodyguard left. All I can say is wow, what a ride this show is!

Not a genre I usually go for but we just finished The Haunting of Hill House. Entertaining diversion and well made for that type of series.

D1 is loving HHH, but I still remember how it freaked me out when a teen.

To add to @doschicos and @lookingforward’s comments:
I just searched for this thread on purpose to add “The Haunting of Hill House.” I dislike the horror genre as a rule, but agreed to watch this 10 episode series with my spouse, who had read it was supposed to be good. I was pleasantly surprised by how much I liked it. What made it worthwhile were the interpersonal relationships among the family members on the show.

IMO, the best shows are about more than their surface content. The Americans, The Sopranos, Hill House explore family relationships and individual psychology. Star Trek, Lost, Battlestar Galactica, American Vandal explore societal dynamics and individual and social psychology. Many of these lead to discussions about moral or ethical reasoning and decision making.

Game of Thrones and Battlestar Galactica remake were my favorites. HHH is not in that league, but still is riveting and something you talk about and process afterwards.

Netflix-The Forrest French with subtitles really liked it. Murder mystery with lots of twists and interesting characters.

ENLIGHTENED with Laura Dern and an attractive looking Luke Wilson anyone? I loved it! I also watched a mini-series (technically not a binge!) The Widower - it was somewhat interesting.

Just finished the Bodyguard. Absolutely riveting – loved it!!

Re: Bodyguard. I won’t spoil anything but there was one part of the final episode when I honestly felt I was going to have to stop watching. Those of you who have seen it probably know which one. And I’m not at all a wimp when it comes to shows like this. It definitely was riveting!