Binge watched tv shows

Really loved TWD and FTWD. I’m bored too.

Has anyone seen The Detour?
(have tried Flebag. So far, not really into it, but will give it a second try).

The second season of Trapped is out and available on Amazon. This is based in Iceland, the scenery is gorgeous. The first season was very good and so is the second. Story and acting top notch, definitely worth watching.

The Casketeers is the type of show that you think about long after bingeing it…
The gentle humanity and heart felt compassion of the staff…
You feel yourself watching with joyful sadness fleeting glimpses into cultures closed to the majority of us.
You will laugh, you will cry and you will be grateful to know that such people exist…

@beerme I so agree with you. I finished Season 2 last night and it’s been a while since I’ve enjoyed a show more. I read an article about how the Tipenes have received requests from around the world to host funerals. It doesn’t surprise me at all and I can admit that I had that thought often while watching the show. I truly wish that everyone would watch.

@beerme & @alwaysamom - my best friend (who turned me on to The Casketeers) is turning 80 this year. After watching the show she has revised her end of life plans to include a mini “Haka” - she’s not Polynesian, however loves the ritual of greeting death as an achievement. She has tasked me with finding 3 or 4 to help make this a reality for her. And I will. Of course she had to let me know she hasn’t any plans of going anywhere any time soon… :smiley:

@JustaMom Yes, I loved the Haka tradition, and the singing, and the beautiful lace blankets that they placed on the caskets. The exposure to a different culture was one of my favorite things about The Casketeers.

I’m watching Fleabag. So hilarious. Also, a season of Suits we hadn’t seen yet (8) is on Amazon Prime so we are catching up with that. We really liked all the seasons up to this one, so we’ll see how we like the new characters in this season.

Tour de France. Great year so far.

@artrell, thanks for the info about Trapped. I loved season 1 and had no idea season 2 was coming out.
And thanks everyone for the Casketeers recommendation.
Does anyone watch Bonus Family? I just finished the newest season release on Netflix.

Trapped is different, this go 'round. And I’ll admit I had to dig up a synopsis of episode 1 to get the characters straight. Apparently, lots of tweet comments, in Iceland.

And now for something completely different…

I just spent a couple of days binge-watching Blown Away on Netflix. It’s like the British Baking Show, but for glass-blowing. The artists are given a challenge, and three to eight hours later, they show us glass. Some of the challenges are more utilitarian, like a decanter and a drinking glass, while others are artistic, e.g. something botanical.But all are fascinating.

If you wonder about artists at work, and the creative process, take a look. In this particular case, the artistic process sometimes ends up with glass smashing on concrete fairly dramatically. Each episode is only half an hour, so you can get a sample quickly.

Really enjoying Trapped season 1. Watching all of that delicious ice and snow has helped deal with the heat of summer.

I enjoyed Stranger Things seasons 1 and 2, mostly. Season 3 was written, directed, and acted to appeal to 11 year olds. Very disappointed.

I finished Fleabag. What a hoot. I hope there will be more.

Starting Sweetbitter.

Thanks to whoever recommended Offspring many pages back. I just finished season 4 and really love it! Love that there’s so many seasons because I’m addicted. I’m going to have to search for other Aussie shows after I finish it because I like the mix of drama and humor.
Has anyone watched The Widow? H and I really enjoyed it. Mystery thriller, woman is searching for her husband whose plane crashed in the Congo.

@cellomom2 I’m glad you’re enjoying Offspring. It is one of my favorite shows ever. I was very sad when I watched the final episode.

We’re watching Season 5 of Bosch and it continues to be very good. Interesting storylines, continuing story arcs through the seasons, and a terrific ensemble cast.

kids were all gone this weekend and I started watching Big Little Lies (HBO). it’s good; I’m enjoying it!

Ahhhhh, just watched the finale of season 2 of Big Little Lies. I loved both seasons! I had just started watching a couple of weeks ago and caught up right in time for the end of this season.

@cellomom2 you might try 800 Words, set in New Zealand, and the Australian show Bed of Roses. Both are dramedies with some off-beat characters and heart.