Binge watched tv shows

I finished Schitt’s this week. Many tears shed. :slight_smile: My D2 says that Pop TV had a post-finale hour show about the making of the series (or the finale, not sure) - I haven’t taken the time to watch it yet.

I continue to watch Call My Agent - admittedly this is the first series I remember watching with subtitles! You can’t look away from the screen or you’re lost! I do enjoy it though.

Just finished the Queen’ Gambit. Excellent. Loved the character development .

I’m surprised no one on this thread has mention Lucifer. The devil got bored in hell and decided to take a vacation in LA. He ends up getting interested in helping solve problems. The acting is a bit hammy at times, but it’s an awful lot of fun. Lucifer likes to punish bad guys, so even though he’s ridiculously full of himself, things mostly turn out okay.

Somebody Feed Phil is back on Netflix. I may re-watch all of the old ones after finishing the new ones. Phil is so extroverted and cheerful - quite the opposite of me - and makes friends where ever he goes. He seems appreciative of everything - not just the food - and his expressions make me smile even on a rough day.

James May (from Grand Tour, and previously Top Gear) has a cooking show starting soon on Amazon. I loved his show about touring Japan (Hey, Bim!) and am looking forward to this one.

Chess dad here who just finished the Queen’s Gambit and loved it.

Turns out that most of the final game was an actual game from 1993,. And one of my son’s coaches used to play regularly against that 1993 player. Small world.

^ so @hebegebe would the player be wolf, author of a book I used for 16 years as organizer of chess program in our community, with local chess master, held simuls, blindfolded matches, summer chess lessons led to a top high school team in our area.

Don’t read this until you see the ending of Queens Gambit, ( spoiler)

Link in article to you tube explanation of the final game …

Yes, Patrick Wolff. The chess in the show was shown very accurately, except that moves are made much more slowly in real life. They even got some of the little nuances right, such as players adjusting their pieces when they first sit down at the board.

@Lemonlee I remember reading that the actor playing the character involved in the shocker you referred to, got a better acting gig in the US and had to leave. Tough to insert a tragedy into a comic show, but it gave Nina new opportunities for fantasy love eventually, I suppose. I love Offspring overall.

OK, so the very last episode (the new one) of The Hookup Plan is funny!

Even if you have not watched the series you can see the humor. It is a French series with subtitles. This episode is about being in quarantine and following each of the 3 friends (girls).

Yay, “The Crown” is back on! Gives me motivation to run/walk on my treadmill. I will make it a rule that it’s the only time I can watch the show. Just watched the first half of the first episode. Without giving anything away, the deer hunting / birding / fishing / lobstering montage is quite something.

We finished season 3 of Stranger Things Friday night and loved that season as much as the first two. I’m so glad we never watched each season when they were originally released and that we have been able to binge watch all 3 seasons over the past 6 weeks.

We also started the Queen’s Gambit last week and finished it last night. It was another great show and I was sorry to see it end!


@MaineLonghorn I knew what was coming there, but I agree that was quite an effective montage.

@mathmom, I remembered after the montage started but before the end.

Sorry to bring this back to Schitt’s Creek but if you watched the series be SURE you also watch the documentary of the last season/show. It’s called “Best Wishes, Warmest Regards”. I had to do a separate search for it on Netflix.

Truly the cherry on the top of a fantastic show.

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We watched the first couple of episodes of Call My Agent. Husband watched first two episodes of Queen’s Gambit and I plan to watch later. He played chess back in the day (anyone remember postal chess? :slight_smile: ) and said he really enjoyed it. Both great recommendations. Thanks!

@mathmom We recently watched Lucifer. Great fun! We were pleasantly surprised to find out there is a second half to season 5 coming and then a final season 6. It’s nice to find a series that’s still in progress once in a while.

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I finished watching The Queen’s Gambit and ended up liking it more than I thought I would. I kept thinking something sinister was going to happen. I think it was the music. The clothes and settings reminded me of Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. Planning to watch the new episodes of The Crown next but saving it for this weekend.

I’ve been watching the new season of The Crown - the royal family is really unlikable in this season except for Margaret. But maybe that’s because her character is getting the lines that point out how they keep repeating same mistakes. Of course no way to know if that is really in character or just writer’s choice. Already reading push back about some of the storylines from royal watchers

^Some things are creative licence (the uncle’s letter then death/ but the uncle DID say something to the effect of what is in the letter) and some things are true (what happened while Charles&Diana were skiing in the Alps).

It seems surreal that Diana was just 19. (Back then she looked very old to me so that I’d never realized what it meant that she was chosen to marry at age 18, got married at age 19, and died at 36.) I mean we’re talking the early 1980s, not the 1900’s!
In The Crown 2&3 you feel bad for Charles but in #4, he’s a real, real jerk. I don’t know if you can say he’s doing what he’s been built to do or taking revenge on what he’s not been able to do…
These things happened 40 years ago so obviously many Royals and events aren’t fictionalized in history and people are alive and remember, either from their lives or from their memories of block parties or TV or tabloids.

For fun fictionalized real life, I’ll recommend Call my agent again :).

I did read that the guy who broke into the palace said there was no such conversation with the queen as they portrayed, he went in, she ran out, if he is to be believed.