Binge watched tv shows

We binged on Bling Empire last weekend which is on Netflix. Totally fluff, but D2 and I enjoyed it.

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Gave Emily in Paris another try after dissing it and now really enjoy it. Maybe it just hit me wrong at first watch.

Really enjoying “The Flight Attendent”.


“The Dig” is also a book. Read it for a book club a few years ago. Very interesting.

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I believe it’s a prestige fiction film with Carey Mulligan and Ralph Fiennes, based on a true story, and it’s supposed to be excellent.

Ted Lasso, DH watching, sons also at different points in the season. We cannot recommend this show more! Funny, touching with a cast of British actors we weren’t familiar with (I’ve seen Juno Temple in a few movies). Jason Sudaikis is creator/producer/star. Sons all follow British soccer (football) but like the movie Moneyball, the sport not the full focus.


Just finished watching The Dig. Excellent movie. After watching be sure to go to Wikipedia to read about the book, the movie (both of these discuss the creative license that was taken to “spice up” the story), as well as Sutton Hoo. The google maps page puts its location in context and has lots of pictures of the site and artifacts.

Also did not know that the author of the book is a relative (nephew?) of Peggy Pigott.


We just watched Bling Empire, too. Fluff, but fun and mostly light.

@Marilyn Enjoy Bridgerton and The Crown. Both are good but we loved The Crown.


I’ve been proselytizing Izombie lately.

Friend: I have ZERO interest in stuff about zombies.

Me: But you like warm witty shows with a good romantic arc right? And you like police procedural.

Friend : ( warily
) yes

Me: Watch the first 12 minutes of the first episode. Now. Go. And then tell me what you think.

Friend: I’m just not interested in stuff about zombies.

Me: 12 minutes! Now!

Friend : (15 min later). I don’t understand how this is a zombie thing and I love it
gotta go finish.


We watched The Dig last night (thanks @MADad !). We both thought it was well done and interesting. It’s nice to watch something on a subject that is true and different. The house was beautiful. I looked it up and in the film they used a house called Norney Grange. Gorgeous! And I liked seeing the Suffolk countryside.


I am absorbed in Herrens Veje, a Danish program centered around a dynasty of vicars in the National Church. It is dark and painful but worthy of the excellent critical reviews it received. If, during COVID, you prefer something light, this is not the program to watch though!


We are halfway through it and enjoying it. I love Ralph Fiennes. And Carey Mulligan is excellent, also.


We started watching Sherlock on Netflix. Only a few seasons with 3 episodes a season. It is fun and young Benedict Cumberbash is easy on my eyes LOL.


We watched The Little Things on HBOMax—you can get a free trial. It’s a crime thriller about a creepy serial killer (Jared Leto). Denzel Washington and Rami Malek are the cops pursing him. Not a great film, but it kept my interest. Denzel Washington is an excellent actor. He was the highlight of the film.

Happy Valley is great. Cannot recommend highly enough.


We consider that a must-see 
 whole family loved it. Hmm, maybe we should watch Season1 now that we understand more about the later seasons.

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Watching Bling Empire. My son said don’t bother since it’s basically mindless. Replied that is why I like it!


We may have been the last in the world to watch The Queen’s Gambit. I’m not usually a “jump on the train of a show everyone is taking about”. I have no interest in chess but had so much interest in this series. If there is anyone left who hasn’t watched, you should watch it. And the short documentary about making it. The actress who played Beth is so interesting. Her character was SO well done.


We’ve been reading about it and decided we would try it the other night. We all got turned off by the drugging of the orphans and didn’t make it through the first episode. Just wasn’t something we were interested in watching. Maybe some other time!

@amsunshine as we finished last night we said to each other how different the show was from that first dark episode. There are other dark/hard parts and the orphanage plays into the store but in a much more human way. I get what you are saying but the storyline becomes so much more.


The first episode only serves to introduce the character’s back story. The other episodes offer so much more.