Binge watched tv shows

I was late to watch Broadchurch, but I second this recommendation. It’s a great show and Olivia Coleman is an amazing actress.


Have to agree. The current season- season 7 - is particularly sucky.


After finishing the strange and wacky season 6, I felt like The Flash was just throwing anything they could at the viewers. It didn’t seem as intricate and interesting as seasons 1 or 2. I might watch season 7, but probably only for the crossover episode(s).

Another pet peeve was the bad science connections. I know it’s a superhero show but a lot of it in the beginning was somewhat realistic, until Bloodwork came around. That guy made no sense, even with the dark matter.

Don’t know if this show has been mentioned in this thread (with the new format, how do you search a thread??) but the show Girls5Eva was recommended highly on a podcast I listen to. I tried an episode last night - meh? Has anyone watched? Worth investing another 30 minutes for episode 2? (LOL)

It’s a comedy about a one-hit-wonder girl group from the ’90s that reunites to give their pop star dreams one more shot. Tina Fey is the producer of the show and it’s written by the writer who worked on Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt.

It just felt totally cheesy to me. But sometimes first episodes aren’t enough to get a feel.

When my kid told me the premise, I was quite dubious. And I’m not a big fan of Ted Danson either, and yet that show really works. I was so glad they found a way to wrap it up, because I couldn’t imagine how they were going to find a satisfying ending.


just finished the first season (binged!) of broadchurch, the reason this thread was started awhile ago.
that was good. a little teary -eyed here though. glad it was recommended.


We also enjoyed Broadchurch I had read somewhere that only the first season was good, but we liked them all. The storylines of course were grim, but it was really well done.


We liked the first two seasons, which dealt with the case of the little boy. Season 3, which dealt with a rape was not even close to being as good as 1-2.

Only three episodes of The Sopranos left. Oh well.

We finished the 3 seasons of Unforgotten (Amazon Prime) available . So last night we started another British detective series mentioned here, DCI Banks (Amazon Prime). It seems to be set up like Silent Witness (Amazon Prime, 21 seasons of pathologist/detective mysteries, still watching)…with 2 shows per crime case. We like that format because it fills a few hours without having to find another movie option.


Wow, the Mare of Easttown ending! Although it’s tempting to say it is just a police procedural, to me it was really about the relationships of the family and friends in that town. And what happens between Mare and Lori, Mare’s struggle to get over things in her past etc. I thought Kate Winslet was amazing, considering she is British. She really nailed the accent.


It was a great show with a perfect ending. I have been disappointed in the past at other murder mystery endings, but this one did not disappoint. Kate Winslet was fantastic as well as Julianne Nicholson . Their friendship seemed so deep. You’re right, it was really a story about relationships. I read that Kate Winslet said she’d love to do a second season and that playing Mare was so fulfilling. It was one of her favorite characters ever.


She was excellent. Only in the scenes where she was dressed up with make up on did I remember it was Kate Winslet.

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DCI BANKS: i guess they are called british procedurals (british crime shows). I’m hooked! first i watched all of Endeavor; then DCI BANKS, now broadchurch. Let me know what you think of DCI Banks when you finish!

anyone know of any more?

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We started The Good Place twice in the past but only made it two episodes. This time everyone is watching with me and my H keeps saying “I never saw this before. It’s good.” We’re on season two and really enjoying it!


Season 3 is our favorite so far. Somehow it actually keeps getting better!


@abasket - I felt the same way as you about Girls5Eva. I watched one episode and was so disappointed given the cast and Tina Fey as producer. If you ever decided to go back and watch more episodes, I would love to hear your thoughts!

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Other British procedurals: have you watched The Fall or Happy Valley?


thanks for the ideas! i’ll start looking for them.

They’re both on Netflix. Agatha Raisin is another one that has several seasons. It’s on Acorn, though. Don’t know if it’s anywhere else.

NOTE to anyone who starts Agatha Raisin: don’t start with S1 Ep1–look for the pilot movie. Otherwise, S1 Ep1 will be a bit confusing. We found the movie after watching ep1, and thought, “well, now all that suddenly makes sense!”

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