Binge watched tv shows

I can’t speak for the quality of the dubbing because I don’t speak Swedish, but I recently watched Young Royals on Netflix. While I watched with the Swedish dialogue and English subs, there is an English-dubbed option where the dubs were done by the Swedish cast.

I can’t imagine a native English-speaking actor ever doing dubs of their own films, although supposedly Jodie Foster has.

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There is a Norwegian comedy on Netflix called Norsemen. Every scene was filmed twice—once with the actors speaking Norwegian, and once with them speaking English. It was amazingly the highest rated show in Norway when it ran—watched by 1 million viewers weekly, out of almost 6 million population.


Wow, I can’t even imagine filming everything twice, and assuming that actors can do a good job in something that is not their native language.

When we lived in Germany there was only one movie theater that showed movies in their original language and all the TV shows were dubbed. We actually liked the German voice actor for Don Johnson (Miami Vice) better than the original. The dubbing was amazingly convincing.

I think the problem with subtitles is that they assume people can’t read that fast so they have to condense some of the dialog.


Interesting. I have never heard of that (filming twice) before. That had to have added a lot of extra expense. Plus the toll on the actors to learn two scripts.

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I believe Hinterland was filmed twice, once in English and once in Welsh. The scenery in the Valhalla Murders is incredible. I use captions.


Yes. Hinterland was filmed twice. The actors who weren’t 100 percent fluent in Welsh (had learned it in school but didn’t speak it much in the places they now live) said they were happy to film first in English. It helped them with the Welsh version.


Ah, we lived in Germany and watched a lot of “Raven” – a motorcycle-riding detective, as best I recall. Not dubbed, though a dubbed Miami Vice would have been a treat bc my husband was fluent but I struggled terribly. There were two video stores that stocked English language videos, and one library that carried English language books. We spent a lot of time there, since our kids were young . . .

This made me LOL - so funny because it is probably true!


Fabulous show! I really enjoyed the plot’s twits and turns, and I agree, many of the capers did suspend belief, however, that’s what kept it interesting - that, and Omar Sy!

On a side note, I recently read that Netflix Voiceover Artists are becoming Stars in their own right!

Still watching Line of Duty (there are 37 hours of show apparently start to finish and I still have Season 2, 3, and 4 entirely). I went back and checked Season 1 after watching 5&6.
Were slidephones that common in 2012? Weren’t smartphones everywhere already?
Although I’m wondering if they won’t keep going to season 7, seeing how popular the show is.
WHAT FOLLOWS IS SPOILERY, read at your own peril!
spoiler cliff
spoiler cliff
off the cliff
Season1 Steve is a self-righteous jerk. He just got into AC12 and he’s insufferable toward Tony (who, granted, is an efficient cop but a bully and a shark career wise due to choosing “easy to solve” cases + “laddering”, not great but not corrupt. But still. There’s no proof of anything even if his actions are suspicious and you can tell he lied about what he was doing at Jackie’s. However he could just have been concealing an affair, not plotting an intricate money laundering scam - and, in all fairness, it was just an affair till episode 2: a bad husband, not a “bent cop”. So Steve is basically harassing him.)
Kate is terrible also at first in Season 1. She’s pretending to be friendly, perhaps even attracted, meeting her boss at a cafe – no wonder Jo wondered if she was “pretending” to be her friend, her behavior toward Tony is a bit like what it was toward Jo, except she’d become much better in season 6. “I’ll trick him into confessing to me by pretending to be his friend”, really? I do like Kate overall and never subscribed to the hypothesis she was H, but this season1 makes the two of them (S&K) less likable than what they’ve become.
Watching season 1 knowing what happens is also a treat.
Ryan is just as horrible as I remember, but somehow knowing what he was able to do as a kid makes his threat to Jo (gun to the head and threat snarled whereas she’s lived in terror for years), all the more credible - I know some found Jo’s entrapment of Kate the worst thing she did, which it was, but if someone who found making adults look at corpses and torturing people “fun” as a kid threatens you, you’re not likely to disobey, especially when for 20+ years you’ve been terrorized/groomed to obey by a pedophile sociopath. She clearly didn’t want to and offered Kate a way out, was sick about it, and still went ahead with it.
I liked how they kept the same actor playing Ryan through all those years.
Most officers are smart, very efficient, professional, know the law (legal training I guess?), know what they’re doing, don’t use force un-necessarily. The British police institution looks good, despite the “corrupt” members of its force.
I’d forgotten Buckells was there right in Episode 3, still just a DS, ready to “fail upwards”!!

If you’ve been watching whatever season, let me know what you think. (I’m not afraid of spoilers).

I binged all the episodes last year and thought it was great. Definitely one of the better ensemble comedies around. Hopefully they can get back to production soon. At least I think they had plans for another season in the works before the pandemic hit. Pretty consistent laughs.

And there were no remotes – you had to get off the couch and walk to the TV in order to change channels!

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Uphill both ways!


As the oldest kid, my job was to sit on the floor in front of my parents and get up to change the channel as ordered or hold the antenna when it was on the fritz.


Y’all got me hooked on Line of Duty - just finished season 2. So many “bent cops”!


Binged at various times in the last few years:

The Morning Show, The Crown, Broadchurch, Rome: Empire without Limits, Red Oaks (really took me back to the 80s), The Romanovs (quirky and fun little series), You’re Dead to Me, The Society (super disappointed that was cancelled), Ozark (super excited they decided to make one more season after announcing it was cancelled), Friday Night Lights and Atypical. I know I’ve missed a few. The Crown has made me a certified Anglophile.

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We are big Jason Bateman fans at our house, and Laura Linney is brilliant in that series.


In the last month or so I’ve watched Episodes (all), Never Have I Ever (2nd season), Ted Lasso (1st season and 2nd as they’ve been released) and last night started The Morning Show. Have found all to be entertaining.


We’ve started Ted Lasso. Kids got us into it. Love it. On season 2 now.