Binge watched tv shows

I realize that. That’s why the title is ironic. Nominally it is about Ad Men, but really- in true Advertising form - the packaging is deceptive or at least manipulative. Very meta.

Even one of the themes of how they think about their job illustrated it - men making decisions about what is best for women and what it is that women would want, and surprise surprise, they get lipstick all wrong. There is a dawning that they have to pay attention to women, not to their ideas of women, but real women, if they are going to succeed. The pre-women’s lib time frame in a very sexist industry is just perfect as a backdrop. It struck me as all so intentional, even how Draper, as someone with a very fake front, intuitively got it. Sort of. He was more like the women than the men, in a way.


There are shows that you “have to get into” meaning you have to watch several episodes to be likely to be entranced and others that can get you from the start. I’ve turned many many people people onto Izombie…. people who had “ zero interest in a zombie show I’d never watch that” by telling them they will know in 12 minutes of watching the first episode if it’s for them. 12 minutes to see it’s funny, romantic and about friendship. That’s it. No more commitment necessary. My daughter who said no way texted me 10 minutes in “ ugh. You were right!” Lol.

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Yes, IZombie is really about “What do you do when life as you knew it is upended? How do you use the skills you had for another purpose?” and it’s pretty funny. :slight_smile:


I’m finally watching Wandavision, about two thirds of the way through, and loving it!


So sad the series was planned as a one-and-done. I would have liked a season 2. The good news is that Wanda will be in the upcoming Dr. Strange movie.

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Watching Click Bait limited series on Netflix. Halfway through- oh my, we watched the first 4 of 8… no spoilers please.

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I didn’t know what this was about, but it sounds interesting so we will add it to our Netflix stuff.

Click Bait was pretty good, a lot of twists that didn’t feel contrived.

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Finished clickbait in 2 nights. Well written and acted. Good story, covered a lot of social issues, too.


Beautifully filmed show where I hated all the characters, but still watched to the last (6th) episode to find out what happened – The White Lotus on HBO Max.


We finished White Lotus and started Mare of Easttown over the weekend.

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I can’t remember who recommended Line of Duty - and sending you a big thank you. Started the final season #6 and not wanting to say goodbye to Kate and Steve and the band of “bent coppers”.


Just saw that Peacock has started running a series based on Dan Brown’s The Lost Symbol. Episodes drop every Thursday, started last week. I enjoy the Dan Brown stuff, so I intend to check it out.

IIRC, after Angels and Demons there were plans to make Lost Symbol the next Tom Hanks/Robert Langton movie. But then National Treasure came out, and the powers that be realized their movie would look a bit like a copycat so they tabled it. They also felt that after DaVinci Code and Angels and Demons, a Dan Brown movie set in Washington DC would not look as “exotic”. As a result, the next movie made was Inferno, set in Florence, Venice, and Istanbul.

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H and I finished watching Professor T (Belgian series) on a streaming service called Walter, which is billed as the Netflix of foreign television. Professor T was excellent and I highly recommend watching it (3 seasons).

I had read about a British version of Professor T and we decided to watch that last evening. The characters and the episodes were almost exactly like the Belgian series. The problem for me was that after seeing the Belgian series it was really hard to watch different actors playing the familiar characters. H felt the same way. I don’t think we’re going to watch this version.

When you say ‘British’ version of Professor T, do you mean the series that recently ran on PBS Sunday nights, or is there another? Thanks.

Yes! The one on PBS.

FWIW, the reviews in the UK papers were universally scathing.

Love on the Spectrum part 2 is on Netflix now.

Well, Ted Lasso really surprised me this week. I thought they’d drag
“Rebecca’s secret” for a couple episodes, and, granted, supposedly 2-3 weeks have passed, but it’s out (and the consequences are brushed over, which is a bit disappointing).

(not spoilery)
It was very silly to offset the sad, I suppose.
Ted’s scene with Sharon was fantastic.
Also, Rebecca had a cool room when she was little.
Overall much better than last week’s imho.


Next time - Add Spolier Alert, please :slight_smile: