Binge watched tv shows

Sorry, I tried to word it very ambiguouslyso that it wouldn’t be spoilery but I guess if you saw 2.08 it is, so I added SPOILER. Hope it’ll be okay. :frowning:


I know different people have different levels of spoiler avoidance, but for a current show (that just dropped a few hours ago), would it be fair to agree that “less is more”?


It dropped yesterday at 9 pm Eastern. What’s everyone waiting for? :rofl:

And while I didn’t see anything spoiler-ish in her comment, there probably should be no spoilers for a few days to a week.

I watched it and didn’t see any spoilers in the post. I love that show. One of my faves for sure.

we haven’t watched TL yet; i just saw that “spoiler alert” above, and quickly scrolled down. thanks! The week before certainly wasn’t our favorite episode. but we appreciated them trying something new.

I’m just saying, people have different tolerances for spoilers. Some will say, “bring it on”, some don’t even want to see the “next week on…” or read the descriptions of future episodes. Since the spirit of this thread seems to be recommending things that others may want to watch, it seems like getting into the specifics of recent episodes might be a little too much. I would hate to see someone say “I just started watching show xyz and I’m enjoying it” and someone else saying “wait till you get to season 3 and such-and-such happens”. Slippery slope, I guess.


There are ways to include spoilers so that the reader can avoid them. Instead of saying:

Prince Charles marries Lady Diana then divorces her.

You can say:


Doctor Who is a Time Lord.


But really the best way to discuss current episodes of a popular show is to start a dedicated thread. Then everyone understands it will include spoilers and not read it unless they’re caught up.


Right. That’s a response that should not happen. But honestly, for some of these shows from years ago, you would need to live in a cave not to know some of the details.

As an example, I have just started binging The West Wing, which I never saw during its initial run. And BTW, thanks to those who mentioned it on this thread. Now, I’m only on Season One, but I know SPOILER ALERT

Leo dies, because I know John Spencer died around that time. I know Sam exits halfway through because Rob Lowe’s salary dispute has been widely publicized. I know (and this is my own damn fault) Mrs Landingham dies because in trying to remember where I knew the actor from, I headed to the Wikipedia page.

Anyway, the point is, to avoid spoilers from a series that ended 15 years ago, stay off the internet. :grin:

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I don’t want to get into a major dispute, I’m just saying that the purpose of this thread seems to be recommending shows to people who hadn’t watched them before. So if I’m just now watching The West Wing or catching up on Ted Lasso or whatever, “stay away from the internet” doesn’t seem like practical advice if it means don’t read CC at all. I’m just saying, for this particular thread, maybe people could refrain from spoilers for the shows they’re recommending. And with that I’ll step out.


Completely agree. It’s one thing to drop a spoiler about a show that aired long ago. For example, I’m watching Friday Night Lights again after having watched it when it originally aired. If I hadn’t already seen it, it would be unrealistic for me to expect to not run into a possible spoiler. However, Ted Lasso’s last episode just dropped yesterday. I have been waiting to binge it over a few days and unexpectedly encountered spoilers here. For current shows, discussion should go into a separate thread, IMO. I record This Is Us and I know to avoid the stand alone thread until after I have watched the latest episode which is sometimes a day or two after it airs.


Loving my free year of Apple+ but it could get very busy on Friday nights! They are technically not bingeable since they only drop one (or maybe two) weekly. I watched the first two episodes of Foundation last night. I haven’t read the books in decades - I think my brother must have the family copies- but I’m pretty sure it’s changed quite a bit from the book.

Then I remembered there’s a new episode of The Morning Show so have to watch that. And I watch Ted Lasso with my husband but he likes to watch two episodes every other week so we’re doing that tonight.

When I think of the days when I had nine new network shows every week and didn’t want to wait and watch taped episodes…had to plan ahead!

Putting in a plug for Sex Education on Netflix. You gotta be ok with explicit talk about teen sexuality (of all kinds), but it is a witty and smart show.


I agree it’s a great show. These ‘kids’ are in sixth form so they are in school by choice. That alone makes the explicit talk more palatable.


Sex education is an excellent show indeed.
You need a high degree of tolerance for explicit material but while the sex talk is indeed graphic/frank, its goal is clearly didactic, not titillating – it’s basically a teen show about angst, relationship troubles, and poor judgement that doubles up as a health&sex advice psa.
Since they’re in “college”, ie., Sixth formers (16-19) or in remedial ed/pre-apprenticeship type programs, they’re not quite “kids”. You could think of them as US freshmen
(And the actors are quite a bit older than their characters.)
But as someone put it (paraphrasing poorly, sorry) “it’s a Welsh school that pretends to be in the US, set in no specific time period” – cell phones, gameboys, kodak cube cameras, 50s boxy cars, all together.
For example, in season 1 there was a visual pun with letterman jackets and US footballs. This season even though they’re a 6th form college they have the ugliest uniforms with a 70s vibe.

That’s a great description.

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+1 to Sex Education. I admit to fast forwarding through some of the more explicit parts just because I don’t need to see all that - but the characters and storyline are interesting.

I also admit to LOVING the scenes when they are riding their bikes through the countryside - I don’t know why but it is so appealing!!

I guess I love in a cave because I recently watched both the FNLIGHTS series and Mad Men and had no idea what was going to happen through the series or at the end. No clue.


Agree. I watched FNL and West Wing in the last couple years. Did not know any spoilers. If someone on a recommended series thread like this had included them, I would have been ticked off. As long as you don’t commit to reading about a series, you are probably not going to know the plot. There’s no reason to make that more difficult for people.

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