Binge watched tv shows

Call the Midwife Christmas special tonight.


Ignoring my family tonight :slight_smile:


I found that recap of The Witcher remarkably unhelpful, but it led me to this one which explained a lot that confused me the first season! The Witcher Season 1 and Timeline Explained - YouTube

Longer recap than I like so probably wonā€™t watch, but I found the tv boards helped me all through the prior season - no spoilers from those who read the books or played the games, but their understanding was useful in understanding the tv show after each episode.

I just ran it at 1.25 speed. So not quite so long!

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Happy Valley was great!


Glad you mentioned it. Just found out Season 3, the final season, will be filmed in 2022 and we wonā€™t see it until later in the year or early 2023.!!!

For Death in Paradise fans, there was a 2021 Christmas episode, available on Britbox (could also be elsewhere, do not know).

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Last night I finished binging Season 2 of Emily in Paris and my review is that the settings and locations were spectacular so worth watching. Re the plot - oy. (The Yiddish equivalent of meh.)


We watched the first of the season, and yeah. Gorgeous, but not sure I want to get involved with her again. The time off has increased my tiredness of her. But maybe worth it for those settings.

In between seasons, we binged Call My Agent, which gave us settings plus real characters and plots, so we are spoiled.


Hubby didnā€™t like Emily in Paris. So based on feedback here we tried Call My Agent ā€¦ after which he said heā€™d rather go back to Emily. We donā€™t binge watch it. We save the short episodes for nights when we want something extra and lighter after watching a movie or 2-hour Silent Witness.

Iā€™ve seen Derry Girls recommended on her numerous times but Iā€™ve watched the first two episodes and found itā€™s humor silly and crudeā€¦and a bit mean spirited. Are the first few episodes representative of the show or is it like Schittā€™s Creek which got sweeter and more subtle with itā€™s comedy as it progressed?

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Hmmm. Mean spirited combined with silly and crude ( guy has no bathroom to use? I just donā€™t see the humor) is generally a big no go for me. Not sure this is the show for me. Guess I need to keep looking

Derry Girls is an absolutely perfect show for what it is. If you donā€™t like it thatā€™s fine. My husband and I couldnā€™t stand the first episode of Line of Duty and nixed that pretty quickly although a lot of folks on this thread seem to love it.


I disliked Line of Duty also. But that was because I donā€™t find the overarching story about anti- corruption at all interesting. I find the idea of Derry girls very interesting. Growing up in a difficult time and place but carrying on with life. I can handle crudeness when combined with warm-hearted ness ( I love Iā€™m Sorry). But I truly hate mean spiritedness.

I tried Derry Girls a couple years ago and couldnā€™t get into it. Then I put on closed caption and watched just a couple weeks ago. This time I absolutely loved it. I did the same thing with Schittā€™s Creek. The characters grow on you.


thanks to this thread, iā€™ve been back to watching The Americans. gave up on it early. Iā€™m enjoying it now! The mom is so horrid! i like the dad much better.


I have been watching Schittā€™s Creek on and off for more than a year. After first episodes I was ready to quit, but based on posts here and feedback from my sister I continued. Usually I watch while exercising.

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I havenā€™t watched ā€œIā€™m Sorryā€ so I canā€™t give a comparison there, but I donā€™t find ā€œDerry Girlsā€ to be mean-spirited at all. They are just supposed to be teenagers and so there is plenty of banter and bickering but not in an overall spirit of mean-ness.