Binge watched tv shows

For those who were happy when Britbox offered 99 cents a month for 2 months, Acorn TV is doing one better: 99 cents a month for THREE months, promo code HAPPYHOLIDAY.


IMO, better than The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, but not as good as WandaVision and Loki. Skip to the next post to avoid implied spoilers.

It did make me mourn the cancellation of Daredevil, though

Still hooked on ā€œThe Americansā€ - free on Amazon Prime. Sometimes a bit too graphic for me, but weā€™re suckers for Cold War dramas. Similarly, ā€œThe Agentā€ podcast interviews with a real KGB spy has us hooked.


Stick with the Americans - the ending is one of the best Iā€™ve ever seen. I was not as excited with the ā€˜graphicsā€™ as you said, but am so glad I finished it.


Eagerly awaiting season 2 of Russian Doll. Apparently season 2 of Big Timber is out, but is no longer on Netflix. Have to search that out.


+1. I can never hear With or Without You and not think of itā€¦

My new puppy is even named after Philipā€™s Russian diminutive name - Misha. But of course, heā€™s a Labradoodle who looks like a little bear and thatā€™s what it means.


Just rewatched the last season of Ozark in preparation for the January 21 release.


I felt like Russian Doll was a perfect show. Iā€™m looking forward to season 2 very much.

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Enjoying Sex Education, which was mentioned awhile ago.


I loved The Americans and thought they handled the ending very well.

We are watching the new season of The Witcher. Weā€™ve forgotten everything from the last season, but looking at recap sites, I think weā€™re okay and donā€™t have to rewatch it all, if anything only the last episode or two!

We are also watching Cowboy Bebop with John Cho. Itā€™s very silly, but fun. Cartoon violence mostly.

Iā€™ve been watching the new seasons of Witcher on Netflix (one more episode to go), and Wheel of Time and Expanse on Amazon Prime. Can you tell what genres I enjoy? They are not really binge watching because new broadcasts. Well, I have been binging Witcher because they drop the whole season at once.

Since, you enjoyed ā€˜The Americansā€™ you will definitely enjoy ā€œThe Agentā€ podcast.

H and I both said we need to re-watch the last few episodes of the last season of Witcher since we donā€™t remember much of it.

I didnā€™t rewatch last season of Witcher, and they didnā€™t have a ā€œpreviouslyā€ on the first new episode. But I read the Prime Timer boards after watching each episode and they help remind me of what happened that relates to the new episode.

Hereā€™s a recap; the video is in chronological order, which really helps:

Edit: Just watched it myself for the first time and wish I had watched it before starting season 2.

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Thank you for the recap link - so much I had forgotten!

The Repair Shop Season 4 marathon is running today and tomorrow on Discovery. If youā€™ve never seen it, itā€™s exactly what it sounds like but they donā€™t really all work together in a thatched roof workshop fixing Englandā€™s old and broken family treasures. And they donā€™t really enjoy each otherā€™s company and have a such a good time putting things back together. Or do they?

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First 3 seasons are (or were) on Netflix and we enjoyed them very much. Nice heartwarming stories attached to the items restored.
Confusedā€”the craftspeople donā€™t seem to have issues with each other?

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There isnā€™t really a Repair Shop. Itā€™s made for tv. So is the bonhomie scripted as well? I think the set-up probably was they put some talented craftspeople together and said, ā€œOkay, pretend you all work together and help each other out.ā€ And then some magic alchemy happened, the kind you canā€™t script, and they do all enjoy each other and it is genuine.

I liked the first 2 seasons of the UK version. The 3rd season was weaker, in part due to COVID limiting the appearances to just the main actors. (And the fact that the cellar ghosts would likely be viewed as inappropriate in the middle of a pandemic.)

The humour is very British, with lots of saucy double entendres that Standards and Practices would not allow on American broadcast television. ETA: surprisingly, some did make it into the US version

The scripts for at least some of the US episodes (I have only just started watching) are basically verbatim from the UK scripts, albeit edited down to 20 minutes vs the 29 on the UK version.

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Itā€™s pretty obvious that they just hang that light-up ā€œRepair Shopā€ sign on that barn at the living history museum whenever theyā€™re filming. I think they respect each otherā€™s skill and expertise.