Binge watched tv shows

Can someone tell me what streaming service has The Americans?

Amazon Prime. I got sucked back in after the recent discussion and watch the series finale then the series premiere. I have to get out now! I think I’m moving on to Russian Doll.


Is it free with prime?

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Sorry, yes.

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We just started West Wing about a week ago, since we never watched when it originally aired. I’m amazed how well it still applies to today’s politics.


Where is West Wing now? I would love to rewatch!


LOVED West Wing. Watched most of it on season DVDs (no commercials!) with the kids when they were teens. It may be one of the reasons daughter opted to volunteer to sign up voters after she turned 18.


It’s just amazing how The West Wing seems to track with the current headlines. The last episode we watched they were worried about Russian troops massing on the Kazakhstan border.


We tried the watch Lost in Space when it initially came up but gave up after a few episodes. Did we give up too early? Does it get better?

ITA–D and I binged on all 7 seasons of West Wing for the first time last March and April. All the way through we commented on how relevant it was to politics today!!


I thought the last season was by far the best. It gets better through the first two, but I would not say it was an amazing show. We liked it, but didn’t love it.

Thanks! Not sure I can justify another streaming service, but tempting!

Like @ClassicMom98 we thought Lost in Space was good not great.

Just watched Maid. I suppose everyone knows that the main character and her mom are real life mom and daughter.


We started The Americans last night. Both H and I like it, but I will probably have a hard time getting him to watch 6 seasons of a show unless it really stays good.

Hubby liked “Lost in Space”, watched it at lunchtime so I heard bits fo it but had little interest.

We have too many services at the moment. Plan to ditch Disney soon. Probably will watch “Coco” first. I feel like we’ve seen what we want but will be watching here over next weeks to make sure :wink:

@garland : Check your local library? Ours has a lot of DVD’s of various formerTV or cable shows.

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Thanks for the feedback on Lost in Space. Guess I’ll save it for a rainy day when there is nothing else I can find to watch. Next on my list is the final season of The Expanse, and finishing Dickinson. Also wanted to add The Americans is one of my all-time favorite shows and thought the finale was so well done. Highly recommend for anyone who has not yet seen it.


Have not watched. Renner starred in Wind River, an excellent TS film. I watched Renner in Hawkeye on Disney+ and it was very enjoyable.

On Amazon Prime I can get a 7-day trial of Paramount+ and I might do so to watch this.