Binge watched tv shows

We finished the first season of the Lincoln Lawyer and really enjoyed it. Also finished the first season of Bosch Legacy. Another excellent series, although I liked the original Bosch a little better (Legacy focuses on his daughter Maddie, who just joined LAPD). I believe Michael Connolly (author of the books on which both series are based) was involved in the production of both. I’ve read all of Connolly’s books and feel like both productions were good visual representations of the books. I wonder if Connolly was involved in writing the script?? Couldn’t tell from the credits.


He’s credited as a writer for the last episode of The Lincoln Lawyer and the first and last episodes of Legacy.


[re: Hacks] Agree and agree!

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Good Karma Hospital. This is among my favorite shows. I have it on DVD but I think it can be streamed on Acorn. So good. So evocative. I have only two more episodes in Season 4 and I will savor them. I dk if there will be a season 5.


Season 4 was shorter than I expected.

I’ve mentioned this one before, The Indian Doctor, 3 seasons. Given what the last 2+ years have been like, season 2 will make your jaw drop.

Main character is played by the same actor who played Sonny in Unforgotten.


I am not sure why Borgen: the Power and Glory is a separate series. I really think we need the context of the full three seasons of the original Borgen to understand the newer show. I had to review before starting the Power and Glory!

@Bromfield2 - i’m watching Lincoln Lawyer now; just finished all of the bosch series. I was wondering if LIncoln Lawyer’s house is actually the same one used in Bosch. The views seem so similar; but one is amazon prime; the other is netflix. and, maybe both are really just stages??!! thoughts?

i’m really liking lincoln lawyer! We watched the film a week ago to prep for the series. I almost like the series more. . . . hope it keeps going.


Kinda like how Bosch Legacy is a separate series. But probably because it’s 9 years later.

I watched 2 episodes of Borgen - Power & Glory, but felt I should watch the earlier seasons to get the backstory before continuing. I’m on Season 3 now. Of course, that pushed Friday Night Lights down on the queue. :grin:


I have a crush on Bent. We all need one! At the end of Power&Glory you will agree!

We just finished Lincoln Lawyer last night. I really liked the show and enjoyed all the LA scenery.


I’m pretty sure Haller’s house (the Lincoln Lawyer) isn’t the
same as Bosch’s house. Haller’s is an Asian-inspired ranch-style home and Bosch has the cantilevered glass place. I think the similarity is that both have decks with amazing views of LA and the camera often focuses on those views.


They are not

That accurately describes.

No idea about how interior scenes. I assume they are on a sound stage. The exteriors, though, are real houses. Mickey’s is in Baldwin Hills and Bosch’s is in Hollywood Hills

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Halfway through the latest crop of Stranger Things. Hopefully finish the last three this week, and then wait for the rest of the season which I think comes out in July.

Still totally hooked!


It’s such a good season! My favorite, I think. I’m hyped for the last two episodes in July!

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Keeping an eye out for new shows for us Fill in the blank …. People who liked these shows __________________ will likely enjoy Stranger Things.


I think it depends what you are watching Stranger Things for. As I told someone recently I love Stranger Things but I don’t watch it for the horror/supernatural element. Indeed I skip right over most of those scenes. The person I told this to was confused. But I watch Stranger Things for the great characters and “team”/friendships.


I think I watched at least the first season of Stranger Things purely because the kids were so adorable and dorky. The relationships are really well done. The horror I’m not so keen on.


I dont mind the horror/monster stuff, it’s the human on human violence that I can’t watch. I just keep hitting the 10 second fast forward button until I’m past it. I still really like the show but it seems to revel in unnecessary violence.


I’m not bothered by the monster stuff. I just find it incredibly boring. It’s the interactions between the characters that I love. After having a pretty serious Bechdel test problem in prior seasons, the current season fixes that and actually allows women to talk to each other. Lol.

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