Binge watched tv shows

My sister talked me into giving Schitt’s Creek another try. Hubby declined, so it became one of my exercise shows. Oh, how sad I was when it was over.

We watched a lot (2 seasons?) of Mr Robot. But admittedly I didn’t like it as much as my husband did.


You’re not alone. I tried it. Didn’t like it


Schitt’s Creek is one of the only series I’ve ever watched where I really laughed out loud. And no, I didn’t like the characters at all at first but CC at the time convinced me to keep going. I loved all the characters at the end and so sad when it all ended. It was like starting with stark stereotypes and then turning them into real people.


I don’t agree with most of the recommendations I see in this thread, but I agree with this one. Mr. Robot is outstanding. It’s one of the best dramas I’ve seen in years. All 4 seasons were excellent. In my opinion seasons 3-4 were better than season 2, so if you liked the show, you may want to continue beyond season 2.

I’m not sure how to describe it without giving away spoilers. The closest comparison I can think of is the movie Fight Club, but with computer hacking rather than a fight club. It has such compelling stories and powerful, interesting, and unique characters, with twists aren’t obvious, yet are still well thought out and keep happening across multiple seasons. Every aspect of the show has so much detail and thought put it to it – the dialogue, the cinematography, the editing, the soundtrack, the tech terminology, not making hacking magic sorcery, etc . I don’t usually notice acting unless it’s really bad, but I noticed how well Remi Malek among numerous others performed, which led to launching Remi’s career in to movies, including winning the Academy Award for best actor (Bohemian Rhapsody), in addition to winning Emmy for best actor in Mr. Robot. When Mr. Robot comes on a streaming service I have, I look forward to watching it again.


Sally makes it very clear in the movie that she’s not 80 like the others.

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Me too! I usually don’t find a lot of comedies funny, but some of what was in Schitt’s Creek literally had me laughing out loud hysterically. The scene with Moira trying to teach David her secret family recipe is one that comes to mind.


“Fold in the cheese “ ……episode SC …… iconic……:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


I probably think of/refer to that scene at least once a week!

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Now I need to rewatch the series.


Anyone who has “ tried it” without doing this hasn’t really tried it. I have made several people try it this way and although they had watched multiple episodes before they didn’t like it until they did this. I’m not a particular fan of the “ fold in the cheese” scene…still too silly for me, but for me these are the “ best show in television hands down” parts ( very minor spoilers that you likely won’t even understand if you haven’t watched)

1)Patrick and David’s story. Especially the baseball game episode and the open mic night episode.

  1. Stevie and Jonny’s relationship

  2. David’s business episodes especially the way he was able to fund his business.

  3. The escape room ‘payoff’ for all those stories Alexis tells


Makes me want to watch it all over again! (I’m only a “one-timer” for this series).


Not everybody is gonna love Schitt’s Creek (just as I am probably never gonna warm to Mr Robot).

Was also unsuccessful getting hubby interested in Grace and Frankie. So that became another of my “exercise video shows”. Same for Grey’s Anatomy, which has MANY seasons. Now moved on to Gilmore Girls, where he would not even watch the first episode. That’s ok - I do daily exercise videos (hand weights, stretching), need me-only shows.

Those are all great. I’m not also a huge fan of the Fold the Cheese, partially because H loves it so much and talked it up to death. But, my all time favorite episode was the Cabaret performance.

And I’m weird because I liked it from the beginning. I liked it better as it went along and was sad when it ended. But, I never hated the characters.


Loved Schitt’s Creek (all of it, including the first season and Roland), and adored Derry Girls. I think Derry Girls may be the best thing I’ve ever seen on TV.

Can’t do Walking Dead or stuff like that. I may try “The Last of Us” if the spouse insists.

I do like some fantasy. We just finished “His Dark Materials” and are watching “Sandman” with our 22 yr old now.

We are also watching “The Americans” now. That should keep us busy for awhile. So many episodes.


I have treadmill shows – won’t allow myself to watch them unless I’m walking on the treadmill. I re-watched Schitt’s Creek that way. Currently watching The Mindy Project but not sure I’m going to stick with it (mid-way through Season 2) as I have to watch something that will totally distract me from exercising. I am a life-long big fan of well written comedies so lean toward those. I put Schitt’s Creek in that category for sure.


SC was a treadmill show for me (which is why I got to rewatch with my husband).

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I watched the first episode of Mr. Robot last night based upon recos here. I’ve not heard of it before.

So far based on only one episode, I’m getting a Matrix and X-files vibe, but it’s only one episode. I kept waiting on this one character to say “Mr. Anderson” (Mr. Smith). :rofl:


The Americans is amazing. When I started working as a psychotherapist, it was my coping skill to get my clients out of my head when I finished work for the week. It definitely did the job!


Listen to the old The Americans recap podcast. It’s really great. I believe it was done by Slate whose owner at the time was the brother of one of The Americans creators. So they had excellent access. They had on many of the actors. They had on the translator who explained the process of the English to Russian and back to English (for subtitles)translations. They had on the props people who would hunt down things like the old packages you see in the kitchens. In scenes that take place in Russia they did not allow anything that was not found in Russia to appear even in the background! They had on the spy who was one of the people on which the characters were VERY loosely based. (Most fascinating thing…his “cover job” was working for IBM. He loved that job. Loved it. Loved the challenging work, loved his coworkers, loved the company cafeteria! Oh and yeah…he also had an FBI agent as a neighbor by chance and they became friends.) Do not miss this enhancement to the show!


The Americans had one of the best final episodes I’ve seen.