Binge watched tv shows

A reminder that Rectify is an excellent show that’s currently streaming on Netflix before the final season begins on Sundance Channel in October. Here’s a good article from Alan Sepinwall about the show, with a trailer that includes past seasons with the upcoming one.

Husband and I have been watching The Last Kingdom, a BBC production on Netflix. Husband is really into it. I think its pretty good. 9th century Viking/Anglo-Saxon stuff. Violence in terms of battle scenes, etc. Some sex scenes. Typically of BBC fare, good production quality.

I loved Doc Martin… have no issues with Martin Clunes getting old.

Finished all 3 seasons of Endeavour in past few days.
Sadness now.

Just finished season 5 of Doc Martin and I am loving it. I think it’s like House and Last Tango in Halifax got together and procreated (except that I know that LTIH came later than Doc Martin started). And the actress who plays Celia from Last Tango is the cat lady in one of the episodes I watched tonight.

I don’t know if this one has been mentioned but we just discovered ‘Rita’. It’s a Danish Netflix series with 3 seasons. Rita is a rather off beat teacher with some interesting demons. It’s subtitled…so no web surfing and watching at the same time.

Speaking of subtitles, I had them set on for my tv and never turned them off. Just got used to checking them when some character mumbled, whatever. Went to the movies the other day and realized my eyes kept moving down to see them. Bad. Should I turn them off, on the tv? (I know, I should.)

Why turn them off? They help me a lot. My hearing isn’t what it used to be.

I’m hoping subtitles make it to my phone before I move to Scotland. :slight_smile:

Subtitles helped watching Pleasant Valley and similar shows.

I mean, the movie had no subtitles! I’ve become dependent.
Ixnay, there are funny youtubes about Siri trying to understand the Scottish accent.

Just finished second season of ‘Bloodline’ on Netflix. Took a few episodes to get hooked but acting is superb (with a few exceptions). Sort of a Shakespearean tragedy set in Florida Keys.

Slogging through BBC “Shetland” now, recorded episodes on PBS. DH and I routinely fall asleep half way through each episode. The Scottish accents are killer without subtitles. Anyone know how to get subtitles on a DVR recorded show using the Dish hopper remote control? Need to Google that I guess.

Thanks for tips on “The Last Kingdom” and “Rita”- those sound like shows we’ll like. Absolutely loved “Happy Valley”, found that recommendation here too.

Too late to edit, I meant Happy Valley. Pleasant Valley is where my kids will send me if I can’t remember TV show names :slight_smile:

@Momsquad, I loved the first season of Bloodline. I was not as enthused about the second season. I don’t like shows where you shout “don’t be a loser, don’t, oh no, how was that anything but a bad idea?” at the screen repeatedly, even if it’s in character.

Momsquad, I liked Shetland. In addition to liking Euro Noir, my D1 had spent time in a remote part. Now I’m trying to find a way to watch series 3, maybe Putlocker.

Did finish “Missing,” which doschicos had mentioned. Good.

I gave Crazy Ex-Girlfriend another shot, based on the reactions of @mathmom et al. I’ve learned that the secret is not to try binge watching it. If I watch one episode, I like it. If I watch a second, I am tired of the characters and angry at their obtuseness by the end. And I do find that I like the show less whenever I have to watch Josh and Rebecca on screen at the same time, and therefore have to deal with the utter lack of apparent chemistry between them or the actors who play them. I get the joke that they are fundamentally incompatible, but it would be easier to swallow if they looked like they wanted to jump each other’s bones on occasion.

I enjoyed watching the (four episode) first season of The Bletchley Circle. It’s a great premise for a show, sort of the intersection between Sherlock Holmes and Call The Midwife. In 1953, in outer London, four women, all of whom worked in the cryptography operation at Bletchley Park during the war, reunite to identify and stop a serial killer who preys on young women. Their lives have gone in different directions, but they are all bored and chafing at a world in which women are no longer allowed to do anything important besides childrearing. To make matters worse, thanks to the Official Secrets Act they can’t talk to anyone – including their husbands, if they have a husband – about what they did in the war, and what they could do now. As far as anyone knows, they were simple stenographers; now they are housewives or something else. And it’s still a time of drab deprivation and rationing, where sometimes you can rent a soul for a fresh lipstick or some black market silk.

A+ idea, B execution of it. The accents are pretty posh, so you don’t need subtitles.

Hm @JHS, it wasn’t me watching Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. We watched all the Jessica Jones episodes. It’s yet another Marvel superhero show, but Jessica is touchy and difficult and reluctant to get close to anyone. It has a wonderfully unscrupulous lawyer and other fun minor characters. And David Tennant plays the villain. Loved it.

Now we are watching Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries. It’s got even better costumes than Downton Abby. I love the music - bouncy 1920s jazz. Set in Australia between the wars. It’s not a serious show, but so much fun. Someone on CC suggested it. Thanks!

Re-watching West Wing (one of the 2 shows I actually knew when they came on) and introducing my husband to the show (he never watched TV)…he’s really enjoying the characters and story lines…oddly some of the scenes kind of link to what’s happening today.

I love Bletchey Circle! Wish there were more episodes. Also wish more episodes of The Fall with Gillian Anderson. I have started Lost. Really enjoying it. Especially good during Walking Dead withdrawals. I like The Leftovers, and waiting for the third season to come back, if it does. If you liked The Leftovers, it’s the same people who did lost. Like the Arab character in Lost, who I loved in Naomi Watts Diana movie. That’s on Netflix, and definitely worth checking out.

Naveen Andrews (who played the Iraqi character in Lost) also has a significant supporting role in Sense8.

I tried Peaky Blinders for the second time, and can’t get through the first episode. Is it worth trying to persist?

I also couldn’t get into Boardwalk Empire. Or The Sopranos, actually. Or Breaking Bad. Or that show about drug lords in Columbia. I guess I’m tired of gangsters and things that are unremittingly dark and dominated by brutish, vicious men…

I need something good that isn’t as gloomy, but not cutesy either. Loved The Wire. I liked Happy Valley a lot. I liked The Killing a lot. I’m on the fence about whether I’ll continue with Ray Donovan.

Any suggestions?