Binge watched tv shows

Funny, @MaineLonghorn . I watched the first two seasons of Game of Thrones years ago, and I remember liking them a lot. I meant to watch more, but never got around to it. Earlier this week, I watched the first two episodes of Season Three, and I’m questioning whether to go on. It’s a really rich world they have imagined and created, but I only care about maybe 1/3 of the characters, and it can be a long slog when they are not on screen. Plus, I know my wife will just hate it. She’s been away on business, but I’d rather get addicted to something she will watch, too.

Just before GoT, bored Sunday evening, I decided to re-watch the first episode of Stranger Things. I finally tore myself away after three episodes, and wound up watching the remaining five the next night – a true binge. What a great show that is!

I loved Stranger Things! Have you tried Outlander, @jhs ?

Stranger things is awesome!!! Terrifying but not in the “too violent” type that made me give up on GoT early on.

I’ve seen 15 minutes of Outlander from time to time. Enough to be basically familiar with the premise and characters, but it has never really held my attention or made me want more. For some reason, time travel as a theme has never called to me. (That movie with Meg Ryan and Hugh Jackman? I never wanted to see it.) However, I do have a little thing for alternate universes set-ups (Fringe, Life on Mars, the Philip Pullman books, and of course Stranger Things).

It’s an alternate universe of a sort, and the show runner/producer is the same guy who did the (redo) Battlestar Galactica series. I thought of it when you said you were looking for something to watch with your wife.

Anyway, on Starz only for now.

I rarely find TV shows engaging but this one is crazy addicting so far. B-)

Available on Prime too.

@JHS Season 3 of GoT is a pretty eventful one. You might finish Season 3 and then decide.

Just binged Travel with Father. I don’t like docmentary type shows but this one was very good, quite funny.

Netflix- Lady Gaga 5ft 2
You might want a tissue nearby-

Just binged the last season of Orphan Black. A satisfying conclusion.

Just binged through The Five and enjoyed it immensely.

I’m slowly making my way through Vietnam. Finding it excruciating. Reliving those days and that meaningless (on our side) and cruel (on both sides) loss of life is not pleasant.

Just started watching Veep’s first season. It is more off beat and satirical than I expected, which I like. I can see why Julia Louis-Dreyfus won all those Emmies. :slight_smile: And boy, does she look beautiful!

Not binging but Curb Your Enthusiasm is back! 2nd epi tonight.

Loved Vietnam but it was tough to watch. I puddled copiously the last two episodes.

It should be mandatory viewing in high school history classes.

Working on Mozart in the Jungle and I love it - S19 also loves it skipped ahead of me (which is fine - don’t really like watching th occasional nude scene with my 16 year old!) He’s an orchestra nerd and just devoured it.

We have Vietnam on the DVR and I think we’re all in various stages of watching it.

I think Vietnam War (documentary and the history of how America fell into the war due to a fear of communism) is an important history lesson. I was appalled that my D said they didn’t learn much about it in US History when we were watching together

I have only completed episode 6 of The Vietnam War and I’m guilty of doing other things during some of the episodes, but I’ve still learned quite a bit. For me, it is interesting to see how I process the information at this point in my life compared to what I experienced as a child/teenager/college student. Same with the CNN series on the '60s, '70s, & '80s.

I semi-binged The Five, too (took me a week to watch it). Eh. (Better than “meh,” but a long way short of “wow!”) Serviceable.

Watched Jack Whitehall Travel with Father series last night on Netflix. It was funny

^ I enjoyed that, too. Obviously set up but enlightening to see Thailand, Cambodia, and most surprising Hanoi.

^@coralbrook, I liked Travel With Father, too. Quite funny.

I’m about halfway through The Five. It’s entertaining (although the production values are lacking) but not nearly as good as The Fall.