Binge watched tv shows

@dragonmom3 I also just started watching The Five on Netflix. Very engrossing!

@scout59, we are watching one or two episodes of GOT every day. Up to Season 4, Episode 3. Oh, my! It really is surprising the characters who are killed off!! We are so hooked. The only problem is that the theme song is now a really severe ear worm.

^^ I know! It really is ill-advised to get too attached to any GoT character.

And now you have me humming the theme music…

Burnt on Netflix was pretty good.

da da DA dum da da DA dum da da DA dum da da dum… :smiley:

Netflix has a decent series on the search for “Unabom” called MANHUNT.

HBO has a series called The Deuce about Times Square in the 70s, which is fun to watch because it’s set in Times Square in the 70’s. So far I’m not riveted by the story line but I’ll give it another couple of episodes.

LOVED The Five

Anyone mention SHETLAND? It’s a BBC Scotland on Netflix. We use subtitles because we realized that we were missing a lot of phrases that were hard to understand but were mostly just accent issues. Love it!- character development and beautiful scenery, stories are twisted.

Search Shetland in this thread and the Netflix one. I see I commented that subtitles weren’t avail to me. Lol.

Shetland is next on my “to binge” list. I read the book series and loved it. Glad to hear you enjoyed the show. Five sounds good, too. Maybe next;)

“The Same Sky” on Netflix, in German with subtitles. Set in 1970’s Berlin. About an East German “Romeo” agent trained to seduce West Berlin women to extract classified information. Only six episodes because it’s based on a book that ends without resolving all the plot lines. Negotiations are underway for more seasons. Watching recorded Ken Burns Vietnam documentary now, will need something escapist after this week.

*Editing to add the show has somewhat graphic sex scenes, including gay couple. They’re brief but could be cringe inducing depending who’s watching together.

^^^^ That sounds really good!

Thanks for the 'The Five" recommendation,folks – a most bingeworthy series!

@momsquad “The Same Sky” sounds really interesting.

I’ve been watching the Ken Burns Vietnam documentary. Not sure it’s available to binge watch off or anywhere else.

I’m from the anti war generation but was not really old enough to understand everything that was going on, or maybe we weren’t told everything. the show is making me angry…very angry. How could our govt leaders be so arrogant and corrupt?

Looks like it is available streaming which is great as I missed the first few episodes and didn’t want to jump in mid stream.

Ahh, did not realize one could search in this thread… thanks for the info!

Watching the documentary. It was striking in the 1965 episode when that veteran said “in 1965 they knew, they knew we couldn’t win and yet they send me, my friends, all these young men to die for nothing” right after we hear tapes from the White House where basically LBJ and his advisers decide on not negotiating (which they could do at the time with a strong hand) and admit that pulling out of Vietnam would be admitting a mistake so they’d rather push on even if there’s no hope of winning and a negotiation would save lives. Then Nixon who collapses peace talks so he can get elected. Or after Kent State how 58% people felt it was justified to shoot and kill students who protest, how the family of the young people shot dead were insulted…

^ those were horrid times, and have we not learned anything ?

I have seen Ken Burns promoting the series on several shows, but really appreciated his comparison between that time and our current one. Very insightful. @SouthJerseyChessMom in this appearance with Colbert .

^ excellent link- couldn’t open it but a quick google search linked to you tube.
Will Ken Burn be around in 20’years to document these times …“so it goes”